Translate   12 years ago

It's Adventure Time!-4 "Shmowzow, who is that?" I looked at Jake, who was worried looking. "z sounds like an assassin name,Finn. Maybe we should just go!" his hushed voice grew louder and the voices stopped. "No, Jake!" I made sure to be quiet. "This was meant for me, we have to do it. I just know it." I turned and looked up the path, hearing slow and careful footsteps. "Jake, come on." He groaned and grabbed me, stretching up the path and setting me down carefully. We looked slowly around the corner. At first, all I saw was light until I released it was a fire. On top of a shrine, a red gem on a golden chain hung from a metal rod. A small lizard type animal scampered out from the other side of the fire and someone followed it. My eyes widened, because I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It was a girl. A normal girl. A normal, human girl. I took in air sharply, causing me to cough. "FINN!" Jake yelped, hushed. "Don't blow our cover!" The girl gasped and revealed she had a bow, drawing an arrow. "Who's there?" She walked keeping her back to the wall. "Show yourself." I stepped out from our hiding spot despite Jake's obvious disapproval. "Me.." She looked confused, and let up on the arrow. "Wh-....who are you?" "Me?" I put a hand to my chest, looking her in the eyes with only the slightest smile. "Im Finn the human." She let go of the bow and arrow, which cluttered to the ground. She pushed a lock of hair that was in her eyes off her face. "Im Alyssa. The human." I drew closer, Jake revealing himself, stepping out slower. "I thought I was the only human left." I looked her in the eyes. She looked scared, almost, but happy too. "I thought I was alone." "me too," she whispered. She cleared her throat and looked at me in awe. "But......" she seemed to trail off. "Um, well," Jake interrupted. "It's been great, but-" "This is Jake," I told her. "Hes a magic dog, basically." She giggled. "This is Zazzy, she's a fire lizard. Well, half fire lizard anyways." Zazzy squeaked, a few sparks flying out of her mouth. She covered her mouth. "Sorry." "Oh, rad, she can talk." Jake walked over to her. "Can you help me get that? Me and Finn need it." "No," Alyssa said stiffly. "Wha?" I turned back to her. "Wait, why?" "Me and Zazzy need it to activate the orb." Alyssa held up a pinkish- orange ish orb that was just like te blue one I had. "Oh glob, well check this out." I reached into my bag and grabbed the blue orb. "It said only I could use the amulet." Both orbs started glowing. They turned a dark shade of their colors and then turned pure white. "Hey, the inscription changed," Jake looked over my shoulder. "As no one likes to wait to determine their fate," I started. "Only the most worthy earn the power so great," Alyssa looked me in the eye. "Any time you may now travel to.." "Because you have now found the other like you," I finished. "Oh my glob," She looked at me with an interested look. "Would you like to come with us?" I grinned. "Heck yea!" She circled the fire again, working out something in her head. "Hand me my bow, Zaz." Zazzy jumped up and flung the bow to her. "Do you still have the right angle?" Not knowing anything they were talking about, I stood there, awkwardly silent. "Yeah, I think so," she drew an arrow from the quiver on her back and focused on the amulet. Releasing the string, I watched as she successful shot the arrow through a loop on the chain, pulling it off the rod. Zazzy caught it when it hit the wall and fell down. "Woah," Jake said. I was speechless. "That was so cool." She grinned. "Thanks, Jack." He frowned and rolled his eyes. "It's JAKE." He leaned over and whispered to me,"I don't know how much I like her." I laughed. Alyssa caught my eye. "You ready?" "Let's do this thing!"

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