Kai, 'D' And Security Short story about two thieves and security x) enjoy :3 *~*~*~*~* "D-D-D-D-D-D-" "WHAT?!??" I yelled, stopping Kai from saying 'D'. He places his finger over his lips, "Shh! Be quiet or not the security will find us!" he whisper/warns. I groaned in which he shush me again. I clipped him upside the head. "OWW!! WHAT WAS THAT FOR D?!??" he yells, making the alarm go off. Great.. "Shh!! Next time, be more quiet!" Kai whisper/warns. I groaned really loudly and clipped him upside the head. "FREEZE!!" security orders and Kai and I pull our hands up in surrender. "Who are you two?" he asks. Do polices even ask this? "I'm Kai and this is-" I clipped Kai upside the head. "DUDE!!" I said through gritted teeth. "Wait!" the security exclaims and we all turned to him. "You're KaiLan from that baby show, Ni Hao KaiLan, right?!" he shrieks and we (me and 3 other guards) groaned. "Great! More idiots," I groaned and Kai cheered, what? "D! I'm famous!" he cheers then him and the cop twirls in circles. "D?" a cop asks. Oh sh*t! "D, as in-" before I could say 'Drake'.. "D for D*ckerson!" Kai screams. I got odd looks, "D*cker-" *3rd person* Kai, D*ckerson and the 4 cops then lived happily ever after in the land of KaiLan, the end. *~*~*~*~* I don't know why I even wrote this xP - electra352 xo

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