Sibling Love <3 My siblings, We may fight all the time, Over the tiniest things. We may argue all the time, Over the stupidest sh*t. But when they grow up, And get a 'someone', I just wanna let that 'someone' know.. Break their heart and I'll break your bone, Break their bone and I'll break your neck, Break their neck and that's a different story.. Make sure their okay, Make sure their happy. Make sure their loved, Make sure their cared. Make them feel right, Make them smile. If I see a frown on their faces, I'll ask, "What happened? Is something wrong?" If they cry and say it's 'you'.. I'll hunt you down, bringing a gun too! Make you explain and if the story's not good? BAM You've got a gunshot wound.. When my siblings grow up, I'll hope they'll remember.. That they've always been loved and cared. Maybe I didn't show it but they've just gotta know it, That I've always been there.. <3 I love my siblings like I love my parents <3 Care about yours too (if you have), cherish the moment, don't let time be wasted. Get off the technology and hang with your siblings, do it while it last, don't let it be 'too late'.. Sorry if this #poem was terrible, just felt like writing - electra352 xo

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