Translate   12 years ago

It's Adventure Time!-2 "FIST PUNCH YO!" I chuckled and tapped my knuckles against Jake's. "This is so rad," I walked over and checked out the first tree. A small blue orb fell out when a tree branch broke. "Woah, what's this?" Jake picked it up. "I think it's a time map dude!" I raised an eyebrow. "A who what now?" "A time map," he explained, twirling it in his hands. "When you activate it, you can go to different points in time. Or different universes." "Oh. So like, parallel universes and all that glop?" "Correct my good man," he held up the orb, observing it closely. "How do you think it works?" "I dunno, man." I took the small glowing orb and brushed off some dirt, revealing a description. "Hey, check it out. Instructions." jake drew closer as I read it aloud. "In order to travel to distant lands, The amulet must be worn by the son of man." "Rad, man! Finn, that's you!" Jake said excitedly. "Because, like, your a boy, so your the son of man, because-" "I get it," I interrupted him. "And I'm no boy, I'm almost 15 man!" "Whatever, this junk is total banaynays! But like the good kind, Y'know?" "Yeah man," I dropped my gaze back to the orb. Son of man...? Could it be that I was supposed to stumble upon it? Was there some kind of great righteousness locked into my fate? Was it meant to be that I was supposed to be a great hero? And it wasn't just some dorky little kid following his dreams because he can't do anything else right? "Do you think, that maybe, I'M the successor to Billy?" I asked quietly. Jake was silent. "I don't know, maybe, Finn. But I don't know. Billy was great." I felt cold at the thought of Billy. I nodded. "Let's do this for Billy." But really, in my head, I was saying: Let's do this so I can finally be best at what I want to do. Jake smiled and wagged his tail. "Game on, Finn. Game on." -JUST SAYING: Pendleton Ward stated in an interview that Finn was 14. That was a few months ago. This is all.-

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