Imperfect Me. . See iGot tired of being lied to so iSold my television. Why? Because I'm just a woman like you, with imperfections. . . Yes stretch marks run down my thighs and buttocks. . But see when iSwitched on the television iDidn't see anyone who was like me. Just models with the smoothest skin, the thinnest waists and the whitest smiles. . iKnew iDidn't belong here with them. . So why would iKeep subscribing to a lie & to something iFailed to relate to. Yesterday as iLooked into the mirror trying to find another imperfection & blame it on the Internet because see even after selling a TV Im still haunted with images of "perfect" women on the internet . .thanks to their genius surgeons. iCan't run forever. . I'm not getting any younger. . iCan't shield my future offspring from it all. So. . iDecided to buy another TV . . Maybe 3D this time. . So Im able to see clearly & accept that yes though they aren't like me. . That is THEM and this. . This is me. If iDon't accept that. . How can iTeach my god daughters to love themselves? With every curve of imprecation I'm me. . There's something unique about me. . And guess what. . There's something unique about You too. . Yes you. Though you may struggle to find anyone like you when you put your TV on. .Just remember that cubic zirconia's are easier to find than rare Ocean dream diamonds. Stay healthy and hold your head up high. You're beautiful. . You're a Dime.