but You Said.... but You Said you loved me.....then she stole your heart. You Said you'd never leave me....and now we are apart. but You Said I was the one.....then she ripped you from my hands. You Said I was your future....I'm now no longer in your plans. but You Said my laugh made you smile....then she warmed your heart with hers. You Said you'd be my husband....and we'd release those sacred white doves. but You Said you'd always catch me....then the one to make me fall. You Said you'd always be there....and I spent days waiting for that call. but You Said I was your princess....then she became your queen. You Said you'd protect me....all a forgotten dream. So as I stand alone, reflecting on the past. It's very clear to see...we were never going to last. x X x X x X x X x X x X x

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