Tradurre   12 anni fa

Come Back I tried so hard to keep it inside I tried so hard so that it won't affect me But now that I try to forgot all my tries I find it harder to forgot what you gave me The beast inside me settled is now free And tearing my insides apart constantly I tried so hard for you to see But all I hear now are echoes and mimicry Till I cry till I bleed for the world to bear witness The humanity you expunged replaced with horridness And all the love I ever felt drifted away Till all I had left were mere murmurs to say And all my tears and bones were left to flay Till was left but mere fractions of mud and clay You don't realise the damage you've done Because you never stopped to think You never wanted to put on my shoes You never understood any of my clues And now I have to take my own shoes off Walk barefoot with painful blisters does this king Who once wore jewels around his carefree feet You didn't even try once to give me what I want Instead you lived #life the way you'd always want With an air of royalty you would act you would flaunt You never heard from me a single complaint not one taunt And now you unconsciously stand above me and daunt Chain me without chains inside myself you have Your presence to me now will always haunt I can never be the same around you anymore But how will you know you don't care for me at all You've changed a very subtle way yet The magnitude only I can truly abet The change is greater than I can comprehend Over this sorrow is only my right to fret And even though I am not wrong in any way This problem may be only mine to amend I'll still give one last try my dearest friend Will try to explain so that you may apprehend Fix what you have unfixed and you have me back If you can't manage the tear will form a crack Something both of us will never be able to rejoin Forever this guilt with you shall remain twined Copyright Waleed Yazdani 10 November 2012

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