перевести   12 лет назад

Assistance Required.. Hello everyone, it's me again. In my last bloggy thing I said that my writing will be picking up after I start my A levels because of the new Creative Writing course I was considering on taking. Well, I've changed my mind and now I'm only going to take English Literature, as well as History, Mathematics and Psychology. That's not the main purpose of this blog, however. I need help. Writing help. I'm lay here in bed desperate to write something, but I don't know what. I have no inspiration whatsoever. I went on the writing site I used to go on to get inspiration and there was nothing. NOTHING. Now I am lay here in misery and dread that my urge to be creative isn't being fulfilled. This is where you - the nice person who's read my babble for 150 words - come in. Give me a prompt. I want to write something that may challenge me or I hopefully find entertaining. Thanks guys. I promise I'll become more active on this site once my exam stress is over.

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