Translate   12 years ago

Bookshop - A Play - Scene Three New characters: Opposing staff 1 & 2 Opposing Boss Manager: (shocked) Nnnnn...nnnnoooo... Nooooooo!!! Staff: What? O. Staff: We're here to take over. Punk. (Manager faints) Meanwhile... Shopkeeper: Can I apply? O. Boss: Yes. £200 a day. Shopkeeper: (excited) Woot! Staff: Can we apply? O. Boss: Only one of you can. (Looking dejected, Staff 2 walks out the door and goes back into the other store. O. Boss, O. Staff 1 and Shopkeeper look sorry) O. Boss: Poor lad. (Turning to shopkeeper) Now, lets have a further discussion about wages... (Curtains drop, chattering continues until, with the curtains still down); O. Boss: £900 a week! Shopkeeper: Deal! (Curtain rises. Glass breaks as the Manager breaks in) Manager: Hold it, cowboy. You are not hiring them unless you take ME down! (Fighting starts, curtains drop) ---END OF SCENE THREE--- Scene 4 release is Sunday 11th November at 1:30pm GMT ------------------ Bonus scenes to come! Bonus Scene 5 release is Monday 12th November 2012 5:30pm GMT ------------------ ATTENTION! As a celebration for getting into the top 200, If you like my Oppus "Promotion", you will get two likes back. One time only, ends Saturday 17th November 2012 at midnight.

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