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"The Box 2 - More Shit. Tonya, Lia & Beatrice In Chicago, Illinois. The Loop" {Story 2} "The Box 2 - More Shit. Tonya, Lia & Beatrice In Chicago, Illinois. The Loop" {Story 2} Written by Mister Damond Foster Gardner (2009) At home In Matteson, Illinois 60443 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There was nothing before the bright flash, other than silence. But prior to that there were loud mornings. The mornings that nothing more than erotic fulfillment could cause. Many men have boasted about bringing every woman they have ever had to a sensation such as this, but gentlemen, let's be honest for once, that is only a lie we keep giving #life to. What these women felt was something a living being could never accomplish. These women were so damn enthralled with their actions they were unaware of what happened to them and the world that they once were a part of. Two days ago three friends were going on a leisurely trip to the white sand beaches of Tahiti in order to spend "girl time" together, just as they have for the past six years since graduating from UIC. Most men saw the trio as a group of stuck-up women, though highly desirable, who would not give the time of day to your average blue collar working stiff. Little did those men know, all they need do was smile, say hello and be themselves. There was at least an 85% chance any one of the trio would show interest in that man. The ladies were not desperate, just a bit on the nymphomanicial side. Tired of only having men of their own intellectual and financial status the trio were not on a hunt for. They wanted "Mr. Regular Class". ~~~~~~~~~~Tonya; the 5'3", 122lb, perfectly proportioned sista who could make a gay man rethink his sexuality, as well as many hetrerosexual women for that matter.~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~Lia; the taller than you would think a Japanese woman would normally be (6' even. Her father is a black man, nearly 7' tall himself, which probably accounts for her stature) with sultry smoky grey eyes and a body as equally desirable as Tonya's.~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~Beatrice; The curator. Bea, if you're her friend, otherwise her government name. 5'9"' statuesque and quite physically enviable to more than a small portion of the women who have ever seen her. Naturally with the exception of her two close friends. On most occasions.~~~~~~~~~~ It was a surprisingly pleasant spring day in Chicago, unseasonably warm for early March, 78*. Plenty of activity along Navy Pier. Numerous families, couples and singles walking North Beach. Birds singing and coffee drinkers consuming uncountable pounds of freshly ground beans from exotic growing grounds around the world. The large metallic "Bean" sculpture, "Cloud Gate"(which is actually supposed to be a cloud according to the artist who created it. But to the city dwellers it's a bean.) on Michigan Avenue gleams dazzlingly because of the cloudless sky not filtering the suns rays. A few blocks away on State and Lake streets at the CDT station Tonya steps off the crowded Red Line train and onto the platform becoming cought up in the histle and bustle of humanity heading towards the turnstile like the incoming high tide of Lake Michigan. All she had going through her mind during the moment was (why the hell do we have to meet at Macy's of all places when we all live in the burbs?). But each month they took turns choosing the rendevous were the trio would congregate in order to discuss their once a month weekend getaway. Since 2/3 of the group is always in the dark of the location of the trip, per a pre-arrangement, this month the one who is not shrouded in mystery is Lia. As Tonya was making her exit from the el station, Beatrice was closing the door of the taxi she just stepped out of and appeared to be a bit ticked to Tonya. "Damn girl, what's wrong with you, someone pissed in your purse?" Tonya asked her friend while giggling. Ha effing ha five footer. Tony Scofield is waiting for you at "Jokes And Notes." replied Beatrice to one of her best friends in the world. There were days when it didn't take too much to piss Beatrice off, and it seemed to Tonya that this gorgeous day may just be one of them. "Girl that asshole cabbie thought just because I caught his cab and had to smell his funky immigrant ass he deserved a ten dollar tip for driving me five damn blocks. I know that gas isn't cheep but it's not my responsibility to fill his tank. Shit, he better ask George-punk-ass-Bush for some extra. I didn't cause the price to rise." typical Beatrice, she can't stand Bush. And as far as she's co concerned he's the blame for everything going wrong. Not only in this country but numerous others as well. At that exact moment Tonya's cell phone began singing in her purse )some obnoxious ring tone she had downloaded from an alternative rock web site which her two compatriots never understood why). Retrieving the s all piece of every modern techno-crap from the dungeons she called a purse, Tonya looked at the caller ID display screen prior to answering the modern marvel. It was Lia. Immediately she flipped open the clam shell and depressed the green "send" button in order to answer her friend's call. "What's going on?" asked Tonya. "Walking down the street, looking at you and what appears to be an agitated Bea. Who pushed your ass over the edge this time?" Lia inquired. A cab driver of some undertimined origin." came Tonya's response. "Damn, that chick needs to stop riding cabs, something always seems to twist her Vicki Secrets in a knot whenever she rides one. Hell, she may as well ride a damn public bus. The end results might be the same but at least she'll save enough money to have her thong extracted from her ass afterwards." Tonya couldn't help but to laugh at Li's remark about her friend. "What are you laughing about?" Bea asked. "Oh, nothing that could interest you, queen of contempt." replied Tonya with a smile curving the right corner of her mouth. "You're on the phone with Lia and she's talking smack as usual isn't she?" Tonya responded. Bea came back with, "I know when you two are talking, espically about me. Little do you know, the two of you are not that damn clever. I've always known when I was the topic of your conversation, since our first semester at UIC. said Bea. "Hello, I'm still on the line. Hello Tonya, remember me." Lia said sort of quickly. "Sorry Lia, you know who was giving me her old yip yap about the first semester." Tonya said, explaining her lack of attention to Lia. "When is that girl going to come up with something new to throw at us? Anyway hang up, I'm about ten yards behind the two of you." Li said and disengaged the call. The other two women turned around and saw their friend waving at them and they waved in return. When the trio were together they hugged one another, remarked about each others outfits, hair and nails then strolled towards their meeting place in Macy's to browse around and talk about their getaway for the month. After looking around for half an hour the group decided to grab numerous magazines (mostly from clothing companies, a Newsweek and some obscure mail order company) and a little gift. Tonya and Bea began to simultaneously as Li where she had planed for the trio to go this year. Since the two women began speaking at the same time, Lia called them tweetle de and tweetle dum. "Ha fucking ha." was what came from Tonya's mouth. "I have come up with a place that I done quite a bit of studying of for three months. Neither of you have ever heard of this place, but I really think that we will all love it." Lia said to her wondering two friends. "Ok Miss. I'm Not Hurting For Any Money, where the hell are we going?" asked Bea. And Lia was not hurting for any money at all. Her parents had left her with forty two million dollars. Tonya and Bea weren't broke either, they both had millionaire fat bank accounts as well. "Papeete." answered Lia. "Pappa what?" asked Tonya. "No, not Pappa what, Papeete." responded Lia. "Ok, but where the fuck is that funny sounding to me place located?" Tonya asked her good friends. "I do not know, Lia came up with this getaway location not me. I am just as curious as you are Tonya." Bea said to Tonya. Lia felt good that she came up with a destination neither of her pals knew absolutely nothing about. She figured it would be very nice since they knew nothing about the whereabouts of Papeete. "It's on the French Polynesian island of Tahiti." Lia said to her friends while smiling. Lia told her best friends what she knew about Papeete for about thirty-four minutes. Bea and Tonya were both stunned, they never thought Lia would come up with such a destination in their wildest imaginings. Plenty of warmth and sunshine (even though this March was the warmest the city has in quite sometime the temperature was going to plunge back into the normal range for this time of the year. And in these parts that ment between 28 & 45 degrees), miles of white sand covered beaches and no hustle and bustle bullshit. The two women looked at their friend and all three of them shared the same world's greatest Christmas gift look. "I think we need to be looking for bikinis ladies because I have a feeling not much else will be required for the next few upcoming days." said Tonya. "Well damnit, let the shopping spree begin girls." exclaimed Bea very enthusiastically. And did the trio shop. Withih a thirty-seven minute time span the trio spent $1,846.39. Yet they were still not finished procuring wanted and needed items for the upcoming trip. $1,700 and 2 1/2 hours later the women were ready to call it quits. Then realized, after the fact, many of their purchases were things that would not be going to Tahiti but to events within the Chicagoland area. Many of which they loathed attending but decorum called for their presence. After the shopping finally came to an end, the ladies said their goodbyes to one an other and began to make their way to their respective homes. Lia began her journey west of the city to Hinsdale, Beatrice headed south to the suburb of Olympia Fields and Tonya north to Highland Park. Once home Lia kicked off her heels, stripped out of her street cloths and slid into her favorite pair of jogging pants and oversized white tee. She walked back to the front door and retrieved from the basket attached to it. Sales papers and company bills in the stack. She never forgot what it was like growing up as a child in one of Chicago's numerous south-side housing projects. Even though the #life of poverty she once lived is physically far from where she is now, mentally it's still there. In a way. After fighting traffic for the better part of 75 minutes on the Edens expressway (or Interstate 94 North) Tonya felt a sigh of relief as she slowly pulled her Range Rover into the horseshoe driveway in front of her home. Walking in the front door she stooped down and picked up her copy of the Sun Times and the Red Eye, opened the door, stepped inside, closed the door and disengaged the alarm system. She looked through the front door at her next door neighbor pulling out of the garage. Miss. Wilson was a funny little lady of about 60. She didn't have a problem cussing you out, or having a little nip with Beatrice here and there. Usually on Saturday afternoons if their schedules coincided. "Hey Miss.Wilson, how are doing?" Beatrice asked her neighbor while waving. "Hey Bea, I'm doing fine. How about you girl?" replied the spry elderly woman. "I'm good, just a little tired from shopping with the girls. You know how we can get sometime." Bea said to Miss.Wilson "Yeah girl, I still remember that afternoon the three of you took me on one of your lunch dates in the city. That was an experience, I'll say." laughingly recalled Miss.Wilson. "If you're not busy later on I'm up for a cocktail if you are." Bea said to Miss.Wilson. "Honey I'll be home in an hour or so, so give me a call and we can make it do what it do." Miss.Wilson said. "Where did that come from Miss.Wilson?" Bea asked with a surprised look on her face. "Girl I watch youth programs and listen to WGCI, 92.3 and V103." Miss. Wilson told Beatrice as she pulled away laughing. Once inside her home,Beatrice like her friends, undressed and got comfortable while checking her mail and kicking back a few minutes before putting away her purchases of the day. After 15 minutes or so passed by Beatrice decided to login on the Internet and do a little research on their upcoming getaway location. was the search engine she chose to normally use but this time she picked for the hell of it and found that it was a quite informative search engine. The pictures that she was seeing were breathtaking to say the least. The thatched-roof over-water bungalows perched above the pristine turquoise lagoons with tropical fish swimming all around we're a scene of beauty and tranquility one could not help but envy. Beatrice could see herself living in one for the rest of her #life. 45 miles northwest and about an hour away in Hinsdale, Li was on the phone with Tonya describing to her what she was looking at in one of the travel absence brochures. 25 minutes into there conversation Tonya's phone beeped in her ear. She glanced at the Caller ID display screen and saw that Beatrice was on the other line. She told Lia who it was and said that she would call her back a little later, disconnecting their call and connecting with Beatrice. "Hey Bea." Tonya said into the mouthpiece. "Girl I was just on the Internet checking out Tahiti, and damn, from what I saw I may never come back to the "Shy" after going there. I have never seen anything so breathtaking in my #life Tonya!" exclaimed Beatrice. "Lia was just on ther other line describing where we will by staying, and from the picture in my mind I can believe you." Tonya replied. "Go on line and see the pictures. I'm ready to give up my citizenship right fucking now." Tonya wasn't too sure if she was just joking or if her girlfriend was actually serious. The two friends rambled for another fifteen minutes about this and that before ending their phone call. Tonya opened the laptop sitting on her coffee table and powered it up then headed to the kitchen and took a bowl of red grapes out of the refridgerator to snack on while she did her research on their getaway destination. Just as Beatrice had described, the pictures on the video stream of Papeete were absolutely stunning. Yes, this is going to be their best getaway to date. Also, Tonya wondered if many of the Tahitian men looked similar to the ones she was looking at on her computer screen. As the afternoon gradually became evening all three women started preparing for the trip they would be taking in two days. Calls were made to friends and family members to let them know they would be going out of town on their monthly retreat. Luggage was beginning to be packed and anticipation was brewing. All three just knew that this was going to be the trip to top all the others past. If only they knew how true it was. 10:12p.m. and sleep began to overtake Li. Her bed was calling and that was the only call she would be answering tonight. Climbing onto her king sized, pillow topped mattress she wrapped herself in the luxurious goose-down comforter spread atop of it. Within the next 30 to 45 minutes her two friends were in their respective beds doing the same. Sleep was peaceful, wonderful. And for one in particular, laced with tropical sights and delights. As the alarm buzzed it was 4:45a.m. Lia was already in the bathroom brushing her teeth. Why she ever set that thing was beyond her. She always roes at least 20 minutes before the alarm went off. She figured some habits were forever with you, and her early rising was one. She completed her oral hygiene, turned off the buzzing alarm and dressed for her morning 3 miles of jogging. 35 minutes later Lia was stepping into a steaming shower and using a luffa to lather her sensuously toned caramel body with her favorite mango scented body wash. After drying off and applying powder she began dressing. Preparing herself for the day ahead. As Lia was stepping into the shower after her morning jog both Beatrice and Tonya were just getting out of the bed. Well at least trying to get out of bed. Neither of them were what would be considered a morning person. As far as Beatrice and Tonya were concerned, only a devout sadist would willingly get out of bed before ten in the morning. Yet, very little did they know, the same way they felt about early risers, soon they would become. Sadist, and very devout. The island was more then any westerner could imagine. For the past two months the sun has graced the beaches and those that were there to bask in it's pleasurable delights with rays of yellow bliss. No one has had a day they would want to exchange for another anywhere else on the globe. Papeete was the new, though quietly kept, French Rivera. Even though the island of Tahiti is a French territory it has remained a silent indulgence. There have been more famous people taking holidays there than any other place. Why? Because, as the saying goes, "What happens in Las Vegas stays in Las Vegas". It is two, three and on some special occasion, four times as such when you are in Papeete. 11:17a.m. the day before the girls trip, Lia is at work, in the art museum she has been curator for the past 8 years. Although this is Thursday and usually there are not many visitors on this day, the museum is nearly packed to capacity. The new "Erotic Arts" display has garnered the attention of numerous critics. All giving it rave reviews. There has not been an artist to come to Chicago with such an anticipation as this. There is no name to go with the portraits, sculptures and photographs. There is no one in the room who can honestly say they know the mysterious individual who is responsible for the intriguing works everyone in the room are far more than admiring. The majority are, for a lack of better words, lusting over them. Some more than others, and more visibaly than aware of. But who cares, the art calls out to everyone in the room. Fantasies are for all. Says the seller. More Coming...Sooner Than Later. Written by Mister Damond Foster Gardner (2009)

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