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"The Box 1 - How It Began" Written by Damond Foster Gardner in San Quentin State Prison (1995). San Quentin, California 94964 "The Box" was said to be a prison which contained the lover of a princess. Legend has it, one night her father's most trusted advisor, whom held a strong love for the young princess, discovered her and a young stable boy in bed together. The advisor was totally enraged witnessing his princess climbing atop the young man and straddling him. He became infuriated as he heard her moans (which were becoming cries of ecstasy). He wanted to storm into the room, but he couldn't move. He felt as if her were rooted to that very spot. All he could do was continue to watch his princess giving her no longer virginal self to someone that wasn't him. He watched as she rode the young man with an animalistic desire. From time to time she would rise almost all the way off of the object of her sexual onslaught, revealing the thickness of her pink, wet lips as they hung down from between her thighs, still embracing the very top of her lover's erection. Her liquid passion running down the length of what she was gladly impelling herself upon. The advisor could look no longer, he knew what he must do in order to make the princess his. He had no fondness for the dungeons of the castle, especially not the particular one he would venture to now. The advisor feared very few things, but the blind hag was the thing he feared the most of all. He knew, she only had the power to do what he wanted... It was all so simple he thought, after having left the blind hag's mouth full of his seed (but it was the payment she demanded to cast the spell of isolation upon the small box), still shuddering at the enjoyment he felt as the witch's mouth took his testicles and all until he spilled himself. Yes, it was simple. All the advisor had to do was have the princess touch "The Box" while saying her lovers name and he would be trapped inside of it. How, he did not know. Besides "The Box" was no bigger than a grapefruit. How could it contain a man, how would he be placed inside of "The Box"? Never mind, she was a powerful woman. That much he knew for sure. It would work, otherwise he would not have placed himself inside of the warm mouth of the witch. That night the princess was called upon by the advisor. Wondering why this man that she loathed so much would come forth to her private chambers was a mystery to her. He was aware of how she felt towards him, she had long ago made sure of that, but nevertheless he was awaiting entrance to her private chambers. A short while later she told him he may enter. As the advisor placed his hand on the brass door ring, he remembered the sight from his previous visit. He recalled her bouncing, firm breasts with their dark tips as she rode her lover. The silky brown that she kept perfectly trimmed around her hanging pink lips, wondering what she felt like inside. He swore he could smell her heat at that very moment, and his mouth watered with the urge to taste the sweetness of the very juice he knew was circulating within her. He entered the princesses chambers, and to his surprise, she was unclothed, lying on her bed, rubbing her pubis and fingering herself. She asked him what was it he wanted,removing her fingers from their most toy and placing them in her mouth, savoring the flavor on them. The advisor informed her there was a gift delivered in her name and he brought it to assure it would reach her. The answer was valid enough, servants had been caught from time to time in the act of theft, so she told the advisor to come forth with his delivery, while letting the children of her hand resume their pleasurable play. Now standing less than a yard away from the princess he could hear the sounds of moisture as her fingers did their task with expertise.One finger making perfect circles within the confines of her muscular sex, and the thumb furiously rubbing against her swelling clitoris. It was almost more than he could handle, his erection was pounding against her stomach with the urge to spill itself over her entire body. She told him to step closer, and he did. Looking at "The Box" in his hand and also his erection, she smiled. She had never thought of the advisor bare, but glancing upon the bulge in his pants, she entertained the thought."What have you there?" she asked. Not sure if the question was marked with her eyes, or in response to his statement upon entering, he handed her "The Box". Her fingers once again stopped their play as she reached for the gift. The advisor could hear an almost sucking sound as she pulled her finger from within her toy. From that sound, he knew her muscles must be strong. He could imagine the endless pleasures within her walls. As she took "The Box" from the advisors hand, her finger, still sticky and shinny from its previous task, brushed against the palm of his hand. He could feel the hot juice that was running out from behind her spreading pink lips, down her inner thigh, now cooling on the palm of his hand. As her attention was on "The Box", the advisor quickly licked his palm and smiled as the flavor settled upon his tongue.Not caring that the advisor was still standing before her, the princess lay back on her many pillows, feet flat on the bed. Opening and closing her legs as she turned "The Box" over in her hands, wondering what it was since it had no seams, openings nor hinges. So it held nothing and felt as light as air. It was very delicate but applying pressure to it, she knew it would not easily shatter. Where could it have come from, who was the giver of the gift and what was it made of? Still working her legs in the suggestive manner of "enter me", she became aware of the moisture she was now resting in and told the advisor to summon the chamber maid and have her bring a change of linen. Before he reached the door, she asked him who the unusual gift came from. He responded by saying, "A young lad." and walked out.That should do it, he thought to himself as he walked through the corridor in search of the chamber maid, who would not only collect the orgasm stained linen of the princess, but his orgasm as well. Yes, her. Breasts were beautiful and firm, her mouth always willing to please a man's loins and drink all you could squeeze out. Which was fine. But he wanted her virginity, not between her thighs. That had been taken long ago."Chamber maid!" he loudly called out upon entering her living quarters. Coming from behind a curtain she answered, "Yes m'lord." "The princess requires fresh linen. And a flask of oil?" she quickly disappeared through the curtain. When she returned, she handed an oil flask to the advisor then turned to a nearby table to retrieve clean linen from a freshly folded stack. As she bent over, she felt her dress rise up and the warm oil being poured down her back side. Knowing what was to come next she braced herself for the advisors penetration, thankful he was kind enough to use the oil because she was dry, and her pussy was still swollen from the visitor she had an hour ago. Little did she know, that's not where the penetration would be, until he spread her firm, round cheeks apart. By then it was too late for her to react. She knew exactly the size of what tore into her. She had sat upon it so many times, never being able to take the remaining inches without feeling as if her insides were being pushed further up. The initial pain from his firm dick tearing through her sphincter caused the chamber maid to pass out. That didn't stop the advisor from his task, he continued pounding her ass while massaging her cheeks and squeezing them tightly against himself until his seed began running out of her no longer virgin hole. Down along her swollen cunt and dripping onto the floor. Removing himself from her tight hole and pulling his pants back, after wiping his dick on her dress, he left. During this time, the princess resumed her skillfully manipulative task while holding "The Box". The pleasure she felt was fine, but nothing like the feeling she had when her lover was plunging deep within her. She wished he were there to take place of her fingers. All of a sudden she heard a noise. Stopping her play, she opened her eyes. Standing before her was the lover she had just been fantasizging of."My love, how did you get in? I heard no sound of the door opening." the princess asked and said to her lover."I do not know. I was home about, to bathe and suddenly I was here." was her lovers response. After discussing the phenomenon that just occurred, they concluded that "The Box" somehow brought him to her. It must have magical properties. No matter. All the princess could do was think of how badly she wanted her lover, so she told him to fill her throbbing hole."It's hot and wet just for you. Take me now." she told him, passion burning in her eyes.As he proceeded to lay his willing lover on her back, she shook her head then turned over onto her hands and knees."This way, mount me from the rear my love." she moaned. He quickly began to caress the thickness of her throbbing, dripping sex while rubbing his firm erection along the crease of her buttox. She began cumming in his palm. Reaching through her legs, she took hold of him and placed the hot head of his cock to her now sensitized vaginal lips and backed onto him slowly. The wetness and heat within her cunt was so intense he wanted to explode at that very moment, but held back. With each stroke that he took he could feel her muscles constricting and releasing. She loved the feel of his sack slapping against her fat and juicy vaginal paradise. His plunges alternated fast and hard, slow and soft, deep and shallow. Tears of ecstasy flowed from her eyes, tender cries through her lips. Her orgasm building, building until she could no longer hold its caged fury. Never before had she imagined an orgasm this intense. The force of her cum rushing out was enough to push her lovers phallus out of her. Her juice flowed like running water as she collapsed onto her stomach. As her body continued trembling she reached down to grasp something, anything to steady her already prone self. As she did so, she called out her lovers name, simultaneously touching "The Box". What occurred next she could, she could never exactly say. One moment she was looking at her lover, her orgasmic fluids running down his stomach as well as his cock. Dripping from his still swollen sack onto her bed forming a pool in an already existing wet spot, the next moment she saw a brilliant flash of green light and her lover was gone. She wasn't sure by what means or for what reason, she knew where her lover was now... Inside of "The Box".By the time word of the advisor's success reached him it was too late. You see, the chamber maid was the old hag's daughter. Wanting revenge for what the advisor had done to her, the chamber maid told her mother what happened. So following her mothers instructions, she tore from her dress where the advisor whipped himself, gave it to her mother and left. Wondering what her mother was doing while she headed back to the room, the chamber maid heard an explosive sound, like thunder and felt the ground shake. When she reached the courtyard, a crowd had already gathered. A wall had fallen, crushing the advisor. Smiling, the hag's daughter walked off pleased and very happy. 1995 Cathy awoke with a slight hangover, and trying to remember the names of the two women in bed with her didn't help any. Finally they had come to her. Terri, the shour blond would come like a waterfall. Kimberly, the light complexioned sista who ate me until I passed out, she thought to herself. At that remembrance, Cathy licked her fingers and began rubbing her swollen pussy. A few moments later she commenced licking Kimberly's like a cat grooming itself, while thinking "this woman has the prettiest cunt I've ever seen." which may very well have been true. Never before had she ever rubbed her face in hair as silky and soft as this small, well manicured patch (which Kimberly had trimmed into the shape of a heart). The lips stuck out just the right amount and had the perfect spread to them. You couldn't help but wanting them in your mouth. She licked, watching them move as her tongue flicked up and down, and the way they streached when she sucked them. Her aroma, even after a wild night of sheet soaking orgasms, was that of spring in the mountains. And her warm juice, the perfect flavor. Kimberly awoke from a good dream to an even better reality . She couldn't remember the woman's name, but she had no problems recalling the pleasures of the fat, juicy cunt that was hanging over her face. Kimberly smiled as she noticed a drop of cum about to fall from the lips that were only inches from her mouth. She stuck her tongue out to catch it. BZZZZ!!!!! The alarm clock goes off."Oh shit!" Cathy exclaimed, not actually sure if it was because the alarm went off or because of her orgasm."What's the problem?" Kimberly asked as her morning protein drink falls to her tongue and rolls down her throat. "The breakfast of champions." Kimberly says, with a smile. Terri awakes as Kimberly's breakfast runs to the bathroom."I'm sorry, I forgot that I have to be at the museum this morning to sign for some type of box that's being delivered at 10 O'Clock. Make yourselves something to eat, I should be back by one." Cathy said to her in the bed lovers.After she showered, dressed and reached her car, it was 9:15a.m. Great, it should only take 20 minutes to reach the museum since today is Sunday. She pulled into her parking spot at 9:30a.m. Being early, Cathy decided to take a leisurely stroll through the museum prior to going to her office. Heading straight to her favorite hall, Wilton Hall, home of the "Erotic Arts Exhibit". No matter how many times she visited Wilton Hall she saw some form of new pleasure. She walked around for a while, touching certain objects, wondering what it would be like to use a few of them. Glancing at her watch, Cathy headed to her office. It was 9:52a.m.Sitting behind her desk, Cathy began wondering what this new piece would be and what it's history was and whom was the original owner. That was her reason for volunteering to come in this morning. Besides no one else cared much for "The Erotic Arts Exhibit", but it was a big money maker for Mr. Fellmor, her employer.Shortly after 10 O'Clock she heard tapping on the glass of the front door. Who could it be? She though, since the museum is closed on Sunday's. She went to find out."I'm sorry, we're not open." Cathy said to the man outside of the glass door."I have a delivery." he said. Cathy looked at the wall clock, the digital read out displayed 107a.m. This must be the delivery she was waiting for, but why had the young man come to the front entrance in stead of the rear service entrance? She wondered. She told him to go to the rear of the building for entrance. That is where she sign for the crate. The delivery man had quite of a questionable look on his face but did as she instructed.Reaching the back door shortly after he did, Cathy pressed the button opening the delivery bay door to her left. When the corrugated door reached the top of his head the delivery man stooped down then came back up with a cardboard box big enough to hold a bowling ball. On top of the box was a clipboard. "Sign here please." he said, indicating the place for recipients signature on the invoice. She signed her name, Cathy McDaniel's. He tore her a copy and handed it to her. "Have a nice day, Miss. McDaniel's." he said to her as he glanced at her signature to make sure he would say the right name. Then he left and she closed the door.She hurried back to her office to open the package, the newest edition to "The Erotic Arts Exhibit". The box was awfully light. She thought as it only contained packing foam and not a damn thing else. Taking a razor blade from her desk drawer, Cathy cut the tape and opened the package as a young would a gift. She began removing the packing foam until she saw something shinning. Carefully she reached in to withdraw the hidden treasure. As her fingers closed around the contents of the package, she thought she felt a tingiling sensation in her hand. Ignoring the phantom sensation she pulled the new exhibit out of its package.At first glance, Cathy thought "The Box" was some type of container and the exhibit was within its confines (if she only knew), but after looking carefully at all of its 6 sides (3 or 4 times), she could find no way to open "The Box". Wanting to know more about "The Box", Cathy began doing some research, referencing the information the museum had on "The Erotic Arts Exhibit". Surely the information she wanted to know would be there. After a little more than an hour of looking through files, she found something. It was a drawing that resembles "The Box" and a few tattered pages written in a language she could only partially translate (a cross between Medieval Latin and Middle Flemish). What she was able to read translated to: A princess, her lover being trapped inside "The Box", the princess going mad after her lovers entrapment and her royal advisor being crushed by a fallen wall... Shortly after 12 O'Clock, Cathy decided to go home. She also decided to take "The Box" and the writings of the legend along to share with her two friends. After all, Kimberly was a Linguist and Terri would just get a kick out of it. ___________________What Is Your Pleasure?____________________ Does it involve your mind, pertaining to how much we know and how much more we are willing to learn? Where are we going and goals that are set, requirements needed to be in our joint effort to be one. Outside mentalaties, and why they are so. Only could it be knowing we're in tuned with each other on all levels, my dear. ____________________What Is Your Pleasure?___________________ Does it involve the spirit? Does it have to do with us quietly sitting together in a darkened room with candles ablaze, soft music and a champagne on ice? Your head on my chest, while softly I stroke your cheek. No words, just quietly enjoying each other. Our bodies still moist from the shower, a thin coat of baby oil rubbed all over for extra softness. Romance in every breath, tenderness, you see in my eyes. ____________________What Is Your Pleasure?___________________ Does it Involve the flesh? Does it deal with us sampling each others favors behind closed doors, where the animal sounds aren't heard and our wild acts occur? Will there be biting, sucking, spanking and licking? Will you crawl on all four, showing your sensual curves, like a lioness ready to attack? Animalistic desires felt in the air. Lust. Bone deep, glowing in your eyes... _______________Back to "The Box 1 - The Beginning"_______________ Just the thought of them gave her flashbacks of the previous evening and made her pussy tingle, getting wet. Cathy placed a hand between her thighs and began rubbing. With her attention on the road and her concentration between her legs she didn't notice "The Box" in the seat next to her glowing, patiently... Kimberly and Terri listened attentively as Cathy told them about the legend (at least the portion she was able to translate herself) and showed them "The Box". Cathy asked Kimberly to look over the sheets of paper with the legend written on them to see if she could translate any further."Can I see "The Box"? Terri asked Cathy."Sure." Cathy told her. Terri took "The Box" out of the package on the kitchen table. When she held it up to inspect it, she felt a tingling sensation in her fingers and quickly dropped "The Box" on the floor."Oh shit!" Terri held as the treasure fell. All three women were now watching as "The Box" made contact with the floor, and we're surprised it didn't shatter. Obviously it wasn't as delicate as they first thought. "I'm sorry Cathy, when I was holding it I felt something, strange, in my fingers. I didn't know what it was, but it made me jerk my hand back." explained Terri. Strange, Cathy thought. Didn't she also feel a tingiling sensation in her fingers when she first held "The Box"? She picked it up. At first nothing, but then she began to feel it. The sensation started in her finger tips, then began traveling up her arm. It felt very good, so good she didn't want to relinquish her hold "The Box", but she did. Cathy explained what just happened, to the other women. That prompted Kimberly to pick up "The Box". Immediately, she fell to her knees, moaning loudly. She dropped "The Box", looked at the other women and said, "I just came all over myself." It was true, according to the large wet stain showing on her white pants. They all staired at "The Box", not saying anything as it began glowing. None of them could explain hwhy the glowing of "The Box" arroused them, but it did. They began rubbing themselves, then each other. All the while "The Box" was glowing brighter and brighter. As "The Box" glowed brighter, they began undressing each other.Their loving became wilder as the three bodies intertwined. Caressing breasts, sucking nipples, grinding pussies. They ate each other like never before, french kissing pussies as if they were mouths. The scent of sex, heavily in the air. Each woman having orgasm after orgasm after orgasm. Sometimes one would pass out from pleasure only to be licked awake and start again. Fingering asses, sitting on faces and licking assholes. Come flowed freely from contracting pussies along inner thighs, down legs, soaking the carpet. The room was full of moans, screams, cries and tears of total sexual pleasure. Paradise of the flesh, they all thought. No one noticed "The Box" or the flash of light that came from it, but they all were aware of the second flash, the one none of them will ever forget... Not knowing where "He" was, or for that matter, when, didn't actually matter. "He" was happy to be free. "He" liked the first one that touched touched "Him". Too bad she was involved with the exchanged. But unlike "He", they will have each others company until "The Box" makes another exchange. If they learn as "He" did how to make it happen. With that thought in mind, the lover placed "The Box" on the wet carpet along with a scroll he had long ago written. He stood and watched as both vanished...Wondering, how long until they escape. The End...For Now Written by Damond Foster Gardner (1995)

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