Translate   12 years ago

A Fairy Tale Length: 377 words Once in a faraway land lived Princess Laura. She was very beautiful but the meanest woman ever! Her maid, Emma, was not very pretty but she had a troubled past. Many said she was an orphan but no one truly knew where she came from. One stormy evening the Princess found a golden hair in her meat. It couldn't possibly have been hers! But her maid did have golden hair. The Princess ordered her away into the stormy night. 20 years later, all who lived in the palace had left or died. The maid returned to just be thrown into the dungeons. There was a boy in that very dungeon. "What's the matter?" He asked "I have no money and nowhere to go. The Princess is to be crowned Queen tomorrow and she will ruin our town." She sighed. Aran was the name of the boy. He was released, but the old maid was left. Months passed and nothing happened except chaos in the town of Manchester. A war of witches happened and all spells that had ever taken place were released. The maid woke that morning and looked in the cracked mirror on the floor. "My face!" She cried, "I'm beautiful!" But up in the turrets of the castle the Princess cried. She looked as ugly as a starfish! A beautiful fairy enchantress came to the door of the dungeon. "Please come with me." "Will I be hung?" The poor maid asked in fear. "No my child. You are to see your kingdom." The maid was then told what had happened. After she had been born, the same Friday as the Princess, the King had been angered at his daughter's ugly face. He stole the Fairy Queen's daughter, to take her face away and work for them. The maid had never thought this was true, but when she was taken to the people, they loved her! They cheered and clapped. "Whatever happened to your hair?" The Fairy Queen asked. "I do not know." She sighed and looked down at her hair. "My goodness!" She cried. "Yes my dear, you are my Rapunzel all right!" They laughed and hugged for joy. The small town then lived happily ever after!

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