The Nowhere Man The sound of music came from the mists of time, almost as if born from them. A sobbing melody so lovely it brought tears to her eyes, She cried for the song was to heart wrenching to be mortal. The shining man appeared from the mists, A multiple being with an infinite number of selves. An aura of power surrounded him, power that whispered of a thousand ages, and as a face of cruel beauty regarded her she was struck by something timeless in his eyes. As his gaze caressed her his eyes were electric, a blue like flashing lightening. He was beautiful and terrifying to gaze upon. Her mind felt detached from her body, she was a puppet, a marionette whose strings he deftly manipulated. In her mind she could hear time slipping away, but the clocks continued ticking. She pulled her gaze from eyesore perfect ice, but each movement was another risk another trap to prevent her escape. After a timeless struggle powerful hands gripped at her throat and the breath was torn from her mouth. Overwhelming tremors ran the length of her body until her final spasm was exhausted. Her expression slowly dissolves, where there was terror emptiness remains. She keeps her visions to herself.

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