Translate   12 years ago

Blog Entry #4 - Aaaand It's Gone. Hello again! The week off is finished and I'm back in school. Really glad I am to be honest with you. The week was terrible! I had a great Halloween evening with my friends alright, but other than that? It was bad... One thing that happened: I was told by a girl I'm in love with that she doesn't feel anything for me. After two years, we hugged, we kissed, we held hands, we were never "officially" going out but I thought it was on. Well supposedly I was wrong. She doesn't feel anything for me. Anything. And we used to meet up like every week. We would see and text each other everyday! Stayed up until like 2 at night texting at times... And no, I didn't mean anything to her. I was a "friend", that's what I was. So yeah, quite the disappointment. Also, exams are coming up next week so I've got to study for that. Feel free to follow if u wanna know how I got on. Next blog coming after the exams anyway. Thanks for reading

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