Translate   12 years ago

Who's The Victim? Can still feel the vile torments and rants in the air I’m still wondering if this is about the colour of my skin and hair. Repeating this word over again like I haven’t heard it before, he’s clearly uneducated or maybe poor I don’t rise to his bait and give him the satisfaction but don’t think he knew how close I was just a fraction to losing my calm and insulting him back is his insults still just cause I’m black I’ve dealt with this before wouldn’t say it gets easier with time this ranting and raving just wasting my time. For what’s the real issue becomes clear when you ask yourself how did I ever get here to being treated like a hated figure this guys still voicing off n#}{er, n#}er it’s clear to see he has nothing more to add probably this hatred is just extended from dad because racists aren’t born their raised I thought this was all unacceptable these days. I can’t bare it I have to go but this leaves me questioning what of tomorrow would this guy ever get help and be saved or forever be a victim whom no one can save. What I heard in his voice so childish a fear again I ask how did we ever get here? For the pain I feel is not for me but for his kind, who have little thought left of their own, but have simply become a clone. What are the real issues? here I’m left to ask well this is so much more of a task

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