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Oblivion Pt1 In the early days of the first era the warlord Ornarol made a pact with the Daedra, but betrayed them for his own selfish good. When the Daedric Princes discovered his deceit they tore his soul into three, and scattered it into three corners of Skyrim. They all took a piece of his soul as a trophy, of victory, although by doing so, leaving mystical portals to their realms of oblivion... I woke in a new, somewhat peaceful new day.I rolled out of my makeshift bedroll, and crawled out of my low tent. The fire was still burning out from when I set up last night, so I sparked it up again to cook some Skeever meat I collected yesterday while hunting. As it slowly cooked, I gazed off into the snowy distance and watched a pack of Sabrecats run by.Some Nighthawks zoom past above.A few rabbits wander past... Finally when the food was prepared I climbed back into my tent, which was the best place to be outside in this everlasting harsh winter. I eat a whole piece of the delicious meat and tucked the other piece away in my bag.I drank some mead to wash it down, before I set off. Outside my camp my horse, Shadowmere, was silently waiting for my arrival.I sprinted over and jumped on, then checked I had everything.My bow and arrows where there, along with my two Daedric War Axes, and finally my bag containing my food and necessary items such as food and potions. Now that I was ready, i galloped off on Shadowmere. Off to Solitude, to the Bards College. It was about three or four long hours until we reached the city, from Dawnstar.I came to a halt at the large wooden gates to enter, and just looked around for a miniute, at the large draping banners, and the colossal towers which watched over the city.Then eventually, two guards pushed open the doors so I could enter, along with a few traders that just arrived too. Inside, I put Shadowmere into the stable and continued down the city paths.I passed a few shops that cought my interest but I had no time to waste.After about five miniutes, I reached the Bards College in the long straight road leading to the blue palace.I gently pushed open the heavy wooden door and stepped inside, wiping my boots on the stone as I did so.Once I was inside, I wandered over to the main room and took a seat with my friend, Cicero (Who is, certainly, slightly insane). We talked for a few minutes until he handed me the book I was after - 'Ornarol's Fate'. It was a rather large book, and had a dark front with the symbol of Daedra carefully painted on. Jt was a book that detailed Ornarol's betrayal of the Daedric Princes, and how his soul was scattered in the three corners of Skyrim. Cicero started up the conversation again... "Ok, so this tells you EVERYTHING you need to no.Just follow the story and im sure you'll be fine" I glanced down at the book again and smiled, thinking of all the gold i'd have at the end. I looked up at Cicero with the same smile on my face and simply nodded, I wasn't much of the talking type anyway. So from there, I stepped out of the College, into Skyrims snowy lands once again, and so the adventure began....

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