Translate   12 years ago

What?! - chapter One I'm Lara Batch. I am not special to this earth I am just a normal teenage girl. I have long ginger hair which I wear in a high ponytail. I have blue-green eyes and light freckles that cover my face. I am the quiet type, actually I'm mute. I prefer not to talk to anyone as I can never be right so I may as well not try. At school I am teased for being quiet, would they rather me be loud and disruptive, which is another case where I cannot be right. At school I walk through the doors alone, as usual, and go to my locker. I am greeted by the farmilliar face of my only friend in this school, Jonas, he is amazing, his girlfriend hates me though because I don't talk about makeup and fit boys with her. Yet another case of Lara is never right. In class some late kid is told off by the teacher, I didn't recognise his face. "I'm Tyler McDonnell, I'm new here" he explained to the teacher. He sat him down on an empty seat next to me, Jonas isn't in this lesson with me so I sit alone. "hi I'm Tyler" he said looking into my eyes with his big brown ones. His blonde hair was flicked to one side. He had a nice smile and face,the kind a teen girl would find on the cover of a magazine. "H-hi" I stuttered shyly. Girls stared at the new guy with big eyes. Seriously?!

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