My Thoughts. HELLO WORLD! I am back with some blogging. Ok. For me actually, my thoughts on Adventure Time (My favorite show. EVER.) Is that I think "The Lich" started "The Mushroom War" because at the season finale of Season 4, had an episode called "The Lich" whereas, Finn had a nightmare, involving The Lich, he woke up and went to a cave, and woke up Billy, who was disguised as The Lich. They went to a mission collecting the Crown Jewels of the Royalties. As they rested, Finn was curious of what was in Billy's satchel. He climbed on to Billy and was brushed off before he saw the whole thing in it. "The Enchiridion" fell onto Finn's face and questioned Billy why it was there, Billy told Finn to flip the sword sidewards, and he did, the book's cover opened and the jewels rearranged and using Billy's gem, a light came out of it and hit a part of the cover and a hologram appeared, teaching them what the book could do with the gems. It said that if we placed the last gem a portal would open. They went to PB's house and found Bonabelle making an experiment. They jump off from the roof and tries to take off the gem but Bonabelle accidentally scars Finn using the pair of scissors, thus making PB apologize. As Finn came rushing through the door,when PB starts yelling that Billy is The Lich. The book then starts covering itself and starts evolving. Finn tried to stop The Lich from going inside the portal by breaking the book in half, but instead the portal opened and The Lich slowly enters it and thanks Finn but Jake quickly tried to stop him but it didn't work,whereas the three of them enter the portal, and the episode ends. The preview of the first episode of Season 5 entitled "Finn the Human" shows that as F&J enter the portal and sees The Lich slowly fading and a shadow saying The Lich wished for the extinction of all #life. And Finn wished The Lich never existed, the wish then brought Finn and Jake to " The Farmworld" as the creator call it. Meaning, if The Lich never existed, everything was normal. But, since he existed The Mushroom/Nuclear War existed. Meaning he did start the war. Without him, everything was normal. But of course, we will still wait for the news. This is just a thought. THANK YOU.

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