Translate   12 years ago

Brandon's And Demi's Tickle Play Brandon was a guitar player and Christian rapper. Demi was a cute blonde girl and loved being with friends. Brandon was her boyfriend. One day Demi came to Brandon and asked if he was belly ticklish. Even on his underbelly. Brandon said yes. So Demi and Brandon made a deal to take turns tying and tickling each others entire stomachs. Including their bellybutton and inner thighs. Brandon got tied first. Brandon giggled as he laid there helplessly and his boxers pulled down to where you could see his underbelly and inner thighs. Demi smiled at him cutely. Are you ready. Demi asked. Brandon nodded nervously. Demi wriggled her fingers above Brandon's belly moving her hands down slowly, making Brandon giggle without touching him yet. Then, Demi started tickling his belly. Brandon couldn't help but laugh. HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Demi wait wait wait HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Demi stopped. Aww what's wrong love. She asked. It tickles way to much. Brandon said. Aww but I haven't gotten to the good part yet. Demi said. Demi quickly tickled his belly faster and faster then put her finger in his bellybutton and wiggled it. Demiiiii!!!! PLEHEHEHESE STOHAHAHAHAP!!!! Demi smiled then blew on his bellybutton. Brandon couldn't take it. He couldn't even squirm that much. Demi finally stopped, kissed his lips and untied him. It was now Demi's turn to be belly tickled. Brandon tied her hands and feet. Then started tickling her bellybutton. HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Quit it quit it quit it HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Brandon quit and let Demi out. Demi's beg was to cute. They both kissed and had a happy rest of the day.

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