Translate   12 years ago

Encounters It was one of those days. I woke up on an annoying alarm sound. A song I changed to the night before thinking it was a great choice. It wasn't. I got up cranky bursting to go to the bathroom and rushing to get there I hit my big toe on a chair. Cursing out loud I continued my way to the toilet. Kira lifted her head up from her bed and looked at me. Her ears moved forward for a second but then she put her head back down and continued her sleep. After the necessary actions for release I proceeded to make myself breakfast. Scrambled eggs and bacon with orange juice. Until I realized I had no bacon nor orange juice. Great, just scrambled eggs it is then, I thought. By this time Kira appeared in the kitchen yawning and stretching. She sat down next to me and waited for me to drop something. I was getting more and more irritated as I was running late already. I took Kira's collar and put it on her. She looked at me unappreciative of my rough moves. "Sorry, mammy's having a bad day." She wagged her tail briefly and jumped around the hallway. "Ok, ok. We're going." The first few steps everything was good. I even started to be in a slightly better mood watching Kira rushing along the bank. Her nose was in the snow and she was sneezing occasionally when the snow got into her nostrils. I smiled. Snow always got me in a better mood. Such beauty, especially freshly fallen snow. I was deep in my daydream when suddenly another dog appeared around the corner. Kira lifted her head and looked bossy. "Be nice," I said to her when we got closer to the woman and her golden retriever. Just when we were about to pass each other Kira jumped towards the dog and growled baring her teeth. "No! Kira! Stop it!" I shouted and tried to hold my all muscles staffordshire bull terrier at the end of the leash. The woman looked frightened and rushed along with the dog. "Bold Kira," I said and she looked at me apologetically. I was very annoyed now. If my whole day was gonna be like this I didn't want to leave the house at all. I rushed along looking at my watch trying to pull Kira behind me as she wanted to sniff every single bush on our way. "Come on, Kira. Enough sniffing already. Mammy's gonna be late from work." Another dog appeared on the distance. It was a small fluffy dog and I started to prepare myself for the encounter pulling Kira closer to myself. When we were just few steps away from the tiny terrier Kira lifted her head higher and looked intimidating like she was ready to bounce on the little dog. I got really frustrated and shouted at the top of my lungs: "Kira! Stop! Sit down!" She looked at me surprised and sat down like a good dog. I felt relieved and turned around to see the other dog. The dog was sitting down and the owner had stopped as well and looked startled. "Good girl." I said and pat Kira on the head. I looked at the man still standing in the same place. "Your dog is a good dog as well." I said and smiled. The man smiled back. "Almost as good as me." He is kind of cute, I thought when he smiled a bit wider baring his perfect white teeth. "Yes, you're both very good," I said and he started laughing. "Well, I better keep going or I'll be late," I said and smiled almost too wide. "Me too," he said and urged his dog to move along. "Maybe I'll see you around." I was surprised but quite pleased by his words. "Maybe. Come on, Kira. Lets go." I started walking ahead but turned around to look behind me. He was looking as well. I smiled and waved my hand. This day might not be so bad after all, I thought.

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