Translate   12 years ago

#life Is... Sorry its really short and took so long but heres Chapter two The next day I had two lessons with Harry. That was when I would put my plan into action. the morning passed in a blur, by the the time I had decided how to get them together it was lesson 5:art. But hold on, Ellie sat right next to me and Harry! Shoot I was going to have to be sneaky. 20minutes later and, lucky for me, Ellie went to use the lightbox in the corner- this was my chance! I tried to sound casual "Ummmmm Harry?" "Yeah" I need to talk to you? Maybe in maths?" I had decided it was to risky to tell him now with Ellie so close. He gave me a strange look but I could tell he was curious. Finally the lesson ended and we were dismissed, I ran to catch up with Harry. Well it was now or never I thought to myself, this was going to be sooo awkward! "Hey" I tapped him on the shoulder. "Oh hey, you ok?" Had he forgotten already!? Boys. "Yeah, so you know Ellie?" No I couldn't do this I chickened out. "Uh huh". Damn how could I forget? 2years ago he had asked Ellie out but after two days she dumped him saying she didn't know what to say when they were together. "Well she said that ummmm we have a supply teacher in maths today" bad lie I know but he seemed to buy it. He relaxed at once "Good I hate mrs north" well he was going to be disappointed... Maths was slow but at least I understood the topic. At last it was time to go home! And then I remembered, today I was getting a lift with Lauren, my best friend. Yippee! That night I rethought my strategies, I would try again but maybe after I had gotten closer to Harry. After all, I had never really had a friendly conversation with him and if I was going to make this work, I needed to know a bit more about how his brain worked...

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