Traducciones   12 años

Broken Hearted Film This is my new story. please comment/like. And reblog if you love it! I've never had a reblog.. Ooh wonder what it's like?! - Part 1 • Harry ran downstairs, his bag bashing against his hip, he flew off the stairs and quickly took a piece of toast before running from the front door, he wasn't Harry styles before you start wondering. Just Harry. Or that's what everyone thought, secretly Harry was an actor, under the name of Zach efron, the fake Harry. He had started to work like this ever since a firm in LA offered him a job in a new film, High School musical. Harry was over joyed, but he lived in Florida. Too far away to shoot everyday. Harry loved his work but hated the hotshot attitude, he was really dark haired, not blonde in real #life and he didn't act like a supercool hot shot, even if the girls at school drooled over him. The school bus was waiting at the end of his road, so he ran down the street and hopped on, he was a senior and that meant that the last few rows of the bus were empty apart from the seniors, who couldn't/didn't drive. He fist pumped a couple of his friends, and settled down on the bus. But Harry was not alone, he had a beautiful girlfriend whom he loved very much and she him. This young boy had a 20 minute drive ahead of him so he sat back, relaxed and pulled out his headphones, slipping them into each ear. The beat of kings of Leon came pounding through his brain and he stared out of the window to see the green&orange of the leaves. - "Rosie, baby." He ran up to her, sweeping her into his arms, and kissing her softly. He'd been away filming for two weeks and had said he was on vacation. Rosie blushed, as all her friends were with her and some other girls had crowded because Harry was there. "Harry! I've missed you too, but please put me down!" She pleaded. Harry did as he said and smiled at her, "I'm sorry, I left." He said with a frown. Rosie kissed his cheek, she had to stand up on her tiptoes to reach his face but she was tall enough, just. "It's alright. How was your holiday?" She said, the bell had rung and they had to get to geography, both being seniors there aren't many in their lessons and the few that are, are used to Rosie and Harry's cute behaviour. Harry took Rosie's hand, and smiled at her outfit, she always looked stunning, today she was wearing tight black jeans and a lacy white top, which had a heart cut out at the back just by her neck. She had a cut off leather jacket and her makeup was light and natural as usual, these two were perfect for each other, Rosie in her glammed up outfits; Harry in his ripped washed jeans and Calvin Klein tee. They walked through the corridors and Harry suddenly remembered, "I bought you something from Los Angeles," his eyes twinkled as he fumbled with the small square box, he passed it to her, just as they stood outside of their class. Rosie giggled, she knew of Harry's wealth and loved receiving gifts from him. "Oh you didn't need to do.." She said softly. But opened the box all the same, to reveal a beautiful silver anklet, with a little diamond jewel attached and a small sterling silver heart charm with h+r engraved onto it. Rosie's blue eyes lit up with joy and she kissed him on the lips lovingly. Their teacher Mr.Dryke, walked near them, "Lovely to see you again Mr. Wells, I can assure Rosie has been one miserable lady whilst you were away, would you not agree Rosie? However, would you keep these displays of affection a bit more private. Thank you." He said, not once letting them respond, this however was Mr. Dryke's style, and his students adored him all the same. Harry and Rosie let go of such a tight embrace, and Rosie quickly fastened the anklet round her ankle, and skipped inside, where Mr. Dryke had set out a semi-circle of chairs and a few buckets of popcorn were lade out. "Seen as you've all just had big finals I thought we could relax, in Harry's case catch up, and I believe you as a class need to chill, plus I have year 7 marking to do." He said with a chuckle. He chucked a remote at Alicia, another girl in the class. They all slumped into the chairs, which as usual were comfy even in their plasticated state. Harry sat in one next to Rosie, but as she knew mr. Dryke wouldn't care, she curled up into Harry's lap, and Harry held her. The 10 seniors chatted for a little bit but the film started and was more important. "My mom and pa. they've got something for us, you know celebrate out four years. I'm still amazed we lasted this long, I mean four years baby!" He whispered to her. She smiled, "I guess, but I love you and I knew we were going to last. You know they didn't have to get us anything." He brushed his nose against her cheek, "yes, but you know my parents. They insisted." One of Harry's mates wolf-whistled and Harry wanted to say piss off, but not with mr.dryke in the room. Harry kissed her cheek, "I missed you, you know that right?" "I do, and I love you for it." She replied simply. "I love you too." He said, he wondered if Rosie had been alright whilst he was gone. "I'm sorry, but can I sleep at yours tonight? I'm not sleeping well. And I know you always make me feel safe." She said frowning, he knew why. Rosie had been in a serious car accident a few months back and it had shaken her up so much. "Of course you can. Hey, my arms are always welcome." He said, feeling like a pervert. Rosie snuggled into them and smiled, feeling sleepy. They had a whole morning of Geography and then they both had free periods in the afternoon. "D'you want to do something this afternoon?" Harry asked Rosie. She smiled, "can we pick up some stuff from mine and just cuddle?" He kissed her chin."we don't do that enough."he smiled, "uh, I went to this nightclub with my sister in downtown LA, and this girl tried to hit on me, so I walked away. But yes. Her boyfriend, came over and tried to punch me for hitting her up. And I wasn't! I swear it was the weirdest thing ever." Rosie frowned, "you know, we should get something, both of us. To symbolise we're not available." she fiddled with the anklet. Harry smiled and kissed her, "I think that's a great idea. Mom and da want to meet us for lunch at somewhere called cafe rouge downtown. They're going to hand the present over." Harry thought and thought about that idea, and decided to get Rosie an eternity ring for Christmas, he just hoped she would get something less showy, so when he was Zach he could wear it aswell. - Harry and Rosie walked into cafe rouge, their hands entwined, his parents beamed at them both, of course they knew of Harry's secret #life, aswell as his sister. They enjoyed the lavish #lifestyle that it came with, and the all expense payed holidays. His sister, Georgia, especially loved the #life as it meant she could attend the hottest parties and clubs. She was Georgia Efron, famous wild child. His parents were his managers, never letting him take it to far. Assuring his schedule was not too busy so he could still attend school with Rosie and his friends. Mrs.wells greeted Rosie with a hug like she was one of the family, and a kiss on both cheeks but swiftly she moved onto her son, giving him the same treatment. Mr. Wells shook his sons hand, and kissed Rosie's cheek. Harry pulled Rosie's chair out for her, which she graciously sat down on. "It's lovely to see you Mr and Mrs Wells, how was your break?" She asked politely, glancing at the menu. "Wonderful thank you dear!" Mrs Wells replied quickly. And almost on queue, her other half spoke. "Now, how're you coping? I know Harry couldn't bear not knowing if you were alright every two seconds. He really was a mess." He remarked, every inch the doctor, and kind doting father. "Phsst. I was not!" Harry looked up at his father, "Okay, maybe a little bit. But I had a right to be worried, I thought I'd lost you forever." Rosie's eyes twinkled as she leaned up and pecked his lips. His parents smiled at this display of affection, they really were an amazing couple. After a few drinks and a gorgeous alacante meal, mr and mrs wells, passed a small box to Harry and Rosie, Rosie glanced up at Harry as if to say you open it first! "Together," Harry mouthed. They both undid the pink ribbon at the same time, and as they did, the paper fell back into a sheet, straight and was that ironed?! Rosie gasped and her hand flew to her mouth, "no.." Harry smiled, he knew what this meant, he nodded to Rosie. Sitting in the box, was a photograph, of a chalet in Florida, and on top of that were two house keys, one engraved Rosie, and the other engraved Harry. Rosie fumbled to pick up her key, "you are joking right?!" She exclaimed, a grin spreading across her face. "OMG!" Mr and mrs wells, smiled, "We hoped you would like it dear." Mrs Wells spoke, her hand entwined in her husbands. Harry thought of how he hoped that Rosie and he would last as long as his mother and father, and still love each other. - Harry picked Rosie up, bridal style and carried her over the threshold of their new home. Which was stunning, two floors, a large expansive kitchen with vintage work tops, kitchen island in the middle, an aga, and complete with a smeg fridge. The living area sloped away from the kitchen, and into a room with one glass wall, a corner couch made of black leather, a large tv sitting on the glass wall, and where the architect has cleverly intervened a stone section into the glass so that a log fire is put in place without looking strange. Also a glass coffee table and a cupboard for coats and shoes is found in the living room. A downstairs wet room is located near the back of the house, which faces the beach, a showering off room from all of the sand. Upstairs is four bedrooms, and a bathroom. The master bedroom, is a large room with a king sized ornate bed, with pink and cream drapings, there is no need for a wardrobe as there is a large walk in closet at the end of the hall. The master bedroom comes complete with a wicker chair, floor to ceiling mirror, glass balcony, and a dressing table. The other bedrooms are plain, apart from a fitted wardrobe and double bed. - Rosie giggled with delight, "This place is outstanding!" She kissed Harry's lips, and they lingered with the delight of each others sweet taste. When Harry finally pulled away he spoke, "Dad said there was a basement, but no one could get into it. Fancy a go?" Rosie smiled, "you get the crowbar, I'll get some oil." They laughed and ran down to the double garage, where Harry's undriven mini•1000 lived. They both grabbed their supplies and skipped to the basement, Harry flicked on the light, which was bright and he set about opening the door, He tried for several minutes but his father was right, it just wouldn't budge, so Rosie poured some oil into the hinges, Harry gave one almighty tug and the door sprang open. They felt the wall for a light switch and turned it on, the room they had found was a sex room. There was a large bed, with just a mattress and a sheet. There were whips, canes, and all sorts of things. Rosie picked up two balls, as soon as she touched them they started to vibrate, she read the label, wanting to know how to turn them off. But instead it said this, 'Place inside the woman's genitals, and push deep, turn on, and start to fuck. Said woman will be deeply pleasured. Careful : always lie the woman flat on a soft surface, this will cause the woman to bleed a lot. STOP when the woman is in pain.' Rosie chucked them on the floor and screamed. This was a horrible room she never wanted to enter again. Harry ran over to her, he had been inspecting a long rope with 8 leather arms coming off, each of these arms had silver balls on. Rosie had tears falling down her face, Harry picked her up for a hug. "Hey. Hey. What's wrong?" Harry spoke calmly and quietly. "Those things. This room. Who would do this to a woman?!" She said her voice raising volume every minute. Harry rubbed her back, "Pedo files. I'm not sure who this person is, but I'm going to notify dad what's in here, and make sure it's not hereafter the weekend." He said, ever in control. Rosie cried into his t shirt some more, "It's horrid. God. What goes through mens heads?" Harry cradled her close to himself and walked up the steps and out of the basement, careful to kick the door closed. He walked upstairs, into their bedroom and sat on their large bed, cradling Rosie against him. "Shush. Shush.. You know how much I love you. How I would never do anything like that to hurt you. Hey hey. " he kissed her nose after he spoke and stroked her cheeks with his thumb, drying her tears. She smiled a little and as Harry leant back against the head board, she cuddles up with him, "I love you too baby." She spoke softly before falling asleep in his arms. Harry loved this girl with all of how heart, as did Zach. - The snow was falling around them, the Wells and Hitch family were all gathered around the log fire, opening presents and smiling as family's do. Little children were running around Rosie and Harry's house, and elderly relatives were all deep in conversation about how #life was like when they were kids. Harry and Rosie had settled into their home by now and Rosie was curled up in Harry's lap, "we've given everyone else their presents, should we finally give each other ours?" Harry whispered in Rosie's ear. Rosie nodded and nervously climbed out of Harry's lap, walked over to the Christmas tree and rooted around at the back, found the small black box for Harry, and Harry took the little box from his pocket. By now even the old and youngest family were watching the couple. They smiled, "Merry Christmas." They said in unison. The happy couple exchanged gifts and opened the small boxes, in Harry's was a small platinum ring, on the inner band of the ring it said, 'Forever.' Rosie took it out of the box, and slipped it on Harry's ring finger. Rosie took a beautiful diamond and platinum ring out of the box, with 'I love you' on the inner band, Harry slipped the ring on her ring finger. "For eternity." He whispered, Rosie had tears in her eyes when she cupped his face in her hands and kissed him under the mistletoe. - Rosie stood at the door to their home, waving Harry off. Zach had an interview on good 'evening' America, but Harry had told his girlfriend he was visiting a great aunt a couple of states away. Rosie smiled goodbye and went up to bed, to cry herself to sleep as she always did when Harry went away on Zach business. Zach flipped his hair once more, fumbled with his ring to think if he should take it off or not. He left it on for he thought that it would be disrespectful to Rosie if he took it off. Zach stepped on stage to the cheers of thousands of teenage girls, he waved and was greeted by a lady called April who hugged him and then told him to sit down. He did as he was told but felt sub conscious as he knew April had seen his ring. "Some new bling, I see." April spoke clearly. "Uh yes." He said twisting his ring round his finger. - Meanwhile Rosie switched on the tv in their room, onto the channel that Zach was having his interview on. - "So, who's the lucky girl who gets to be mrs efron?!" "Oh? Oh.. No. I'm not married. " "so why the ring? Common! The nation wants to know." "It's an eternity ring, if you must know." "Oh. So, who?" "Really! You are killing me! I'm not going to have any secrets after this." "TELL US!" They chanted. "It's a girl called Rosie hitch." - Rosie took a deep breath and dialled the number, "uh, I'm Rosie hitch." The phone was passed to Zach, "Rosie. It's me. It's wells." He mouthed 'nicknames' to April. Rosie gasped and Zach could hear her crying. "Talk to me later. God! This is not over." Her voice was shaken and angry, she slammed the phone down, and Zach ran off stage, chucked a bucket of water over his head to rinse out the dye and changed into Harry clothes. He jumped into a taxi and told him to step on it, he was back at their house in 10 minutes. Rosie was waiting at the door, "Zach?! What the fuck Harry!" She screamed at him. He stared at her, "I thought you wouldn't love me if you knew I was also Zach efron." "Harry. Of course I love you. But really?! This is a new low. So, who are you really? Zach or Harry!" "I'm Harry for gods sake. I'd never want to be Zach efron 24/7." "Well I'm soh-ree!" "No, I didn't mean it like that. I'm so sorry baby." He went to touch her. "No! Don't you touch me. I need time to think about this." She sighed and picked up her bag of which she'd made after the phone call, she jumped in the cab that Harry had just got out of and screamed to go home. Well she told him her address but you get the jist. - Rosie cried in anger into her pillow in her old bedroom, a small room with a large bed that filled the room, at the other end was another room attached, the wall had been knocked down, and this large room had Rosie's desk, wardrobe and dressing table. Harry walked up to their room and picked up her perfume off her dressing table, she couldn't live without it, as it was her scent. If you smelt that, Harry always thought of her. Harry didn't know what to do. He had nothing until he looked at a photo of Christmas. Of course! His family. He picked up his phone quickly and dialled the number, "Sorry I didnt mean to run out of the interview." Was all he said. "Darling it's alright, we've cleared everything up. Good evening America loved the drama anyway. Is Rosie there? I'd like to speak with her," his mother spoke quickly over the phone. Harry broke down into tears, "oh mom. Rosie left. She was so angry. I get why but I'd do anything to get her back." Harry sobbed. "I'm coming. Your father and your sister are still at good evening America, but honey I'll be there in five." And with that she put the phone down. Harry tried to spruce himself up, but he ended up looking worse. His mother walked straight into the house, holding a coffee and an old battered bear. "Mocha, with double caramel shot and boofle bear. She'll come round Hun." She enveloped him in a hug, a hug only a mother could give. - Rosie sat on her bed, cuddles up in her duvet, her father had given her a coffee before he left for work. It was several days after she'd found out who Harry was, a double #life it seemed. Ironically Hannah Montana came onto her tv. She switched it off immediately when she heard best of both worlds. But only to fill the silence of her room did she turn it back on, to find it was the episode where lily finds out that miley is Hannah, and is so cross but then after good intentions of miley, the two of them make up. Rosie cried, wishing for Harry, he might have lied to her for so many years. But as he said, that was to protect her against the cruel world out there. She sobbed, unhappy that no one was there to comfort her. How she wished it wasn't the Easter holidays, she's done all of the work she could and was sitting bored and alone. Harry climbed into the mini•1000 and made sure he had Rosie's gift. He drove carefully to her house, god the memories of this place. Harry swiftly climbed out once he had arrived ; knocked on the front door and waited patiently for her to open the door. Minutes passed until Rosie brought up the courage, skipped to the door then gasped as Harry (all she had been praying for) was standing with his puppy dog eyes and a present (not wrapped) in hand. "Rosie.." He went to hug her. And this time Rosie let him, she was in need of him. "Harry, Zach. Whatever I call you. I love you both." She said crying. Harry smiled, "whatever you want. But I'd prefer Harry. I love you too baby. Oh I got you something. You left it behind and I knew you couldn't live without it.but I started to miss your scent so I went around spraying our house and my slobby clothes with the stuff and then I realised you ran out.. So I went and bought another one. Sorry." He said so quickly only Rosie could understand. "But Harry... This stuff is $250 a bottle." She sobbed into his jacket. "Your worth a million of these bottles to me," Harry spoke softly and lovingly. Soon after Rosie said, "Am I Zach efrons girlfriend aswell?" Harry nodded, then Rosie squealed, something Harry didn't expect her to do. "Well didn't you catch on that I'm a brown haired version of him anyways?" He said. "" "Oh, I love you." And after 5 days of not even seeing each other, Harry picked her up and kissed her, she proceeded to wrap her legs around his waist. She really did love this boy. And Rosie needed to tell him, she broke away from their kiss, "I love you too. Now can we go home? I've missed it." "Erm.. Yeah. But one thing. Please be careful of press for the next few days I mean I'm going to look after you best I can, but they're horrid people. And they just dig and dig and dig. That's why I created Zach. I wanted a way to film and have that movie star #life, but at the end of the day, be able to come back home and enjoy my family." Rosie cried into his shoulder some more, "What's wrong baby?" Harry asked quickly. "I can't believe I was mad at you." She sobbed. "You had a right to be.." "No, come on. Please take Me home. I don't have any stuff I really want here. I just want you. Please." The girl almost begged for her happiness to be returned. "Alright. But I've got the mini.. All I'm saying is we gotta be careful." He kissed her once more before opening the car door and gently sitting her down, he crouched on his knee's and buckled in the four point harness, wiped the tears from her eyes and handed her a coffee, 'Caramel Macchiato'. "Your favourite, I hope it's still warm.." He climbed into the car, and buckled up, then he stole a look at Rosie, who nodded. He started the engine with a bite of his lip, but she drove like a dream, all the way along the coast and back to their chalet. "Home ma'am." He picked her up again, and went into their house, where he carefully lay her down on the couch and covered her up in a blanket. "Common, it's late. You better get some rest. You look like you haven't slept all week.." He said sadly, yeah probably your fault! His conscious barked at him. "Please, come sleep with me." "You won't get any sleep if I'm holding you babe." "Why d'you think I haven't slept all week?" "I'm coming." With that, he curled up on the couch, and wrapped his arms around Rosie rocking her until she fell asleep, once Harry was content with her being asleep he went to sleep himself. Sun shone through the glass windows, waking Harry and Rosie, who had been asleep on the couch all night. "Rosie baby.." Harry murmured, struggling to open his eyes. "I'm here boo. It's me." Rosie giggled and wiped the sleep from Harry's eyes, flickering them open he gazed at his beautiful girl. "I'll be down in 30 minutes, I'm gonna get dressed and have a shower. What're we gonna do today?" She asked, untangling herself. Harry followed her up the stairs, except he went into the walk in closet, and Rosie went to the large over-sized bathroom. Harry chucked on some Levi's and a shirt, then a sweat shirt. Following this, he decided he would make breakfast, something Harry&rosie loved to share. Flipping pancakes ; squeezing oranges ; burning toast ; boiling eggs ; cutting soldiers ; oozing maple syrup and most importantly waiting for Rosie. She skipped down the steps, in tight pale pink jeans and a flouncy camisole, she's forgotten all about her wrists. Harry gawped a little as usual, "Those jeans are nice." If he'd learnt one thing, you compliment the clothes not the the face, because she has chosen the clothes but she can't choose the way she looks. Rosie blushed in reply and took a seat at the breakfast bar, leaning against Harry they both tucked into their brekkie. Harry nervously saw Rosie's wrists, slashed 6 times on each. That wasn't the car accident, Rosie had made full physical recovery of that. "Rosie...? Are these because of me?" He tentatively touched the cuts. She flinched, they hurt to touch, like really hurt. "N-n-no." She lied. Harry frowned, "Rosie..." He pulled her onto his lap and cradled her closely. "Yes. They are.." Rosie said with a whimper. "I'm sorry. I didn't realise you would do this." "Well apart from you it's my only means of escape." Rosie said, tears welling in her eyes. "I love you. More than a million times over." He slid the ring of her finger, and showed her. "Now come on, I better do something for these." He took her upstairs, and sat her on a chair in the bathroom, he got out the antiseptic and started to wash her cuts.

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