Farkle The Fantastic Frog Farkle was a small bullfrog that lived under mushroom #223 at maple leaf swamp, Belfast Ireland. He lived a peaceful happy #life, catching crickets and flies when they passed by, and lounging in the shallow swamp with the bright green lillypads. This is the story of the adventure that changed Farkle's #life forever. One day, Farkle was just going on with his daily routine, catching flies, first thing in The morning. One fly caught his eye. Something about it, was just interesting. Maybe it was that its wings were as shiny as the top of a mushroom when it rains. Or maybe it was that its eyes glimmered with many colors. He was determined to catch it. Just this one, and he would be satisfied for the rest of the day. He leaped across the moss and lillypads and mushrooms. He pounced a few times but all he got was a mouth full of moss. After about 10 minutes, he caught it in his strong green jaws {to be continued...}

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