Reckless Chp. 14 Rain's p.o.v We got to ride nothing. Every line was from New York to Australia. Everyone was pretty bummed out about it but we still had a great time. We laughed probably the hole time. "Guys!" Kellin said. "What is it?" I asked. "See the Marry-Go-Round over there? No kiddos are at it." Me and Kellin both looked at eachother and smiled. "BEAT YOU TO IT!" He yelled as he took off running. "CHEATER!" as I yelled after taking off to. I was running so fucking hard I couldn't breathe. I saw Kellin just a few feet ahead and passed by him and then I got to the ticket line. I leaned over the gate and felt like I was going to pass out. I felt someone pat my back and looked over my shoulder. It was Jaime. "Have fun?" he asked. I just ignored him and went back to panting. He laughed but then wraped his arms around me. "Still wanna ride this?" he asked. "Hell yeah I do. First ride of the trip with you, I can't miss out on that." He smiled and leaned down to kiss me. Shortly after that Kellin & Austin came with water just in time to get on the ride. Jaime got on a dragon, I had a tiger, Kellin was on a bunny and Austin was on a wolf. "Kellin! You're such a softie." I yelled out. "Hey! It's cute!" It began and I looked over to Jaime. We made funny faces the hole time. God. Why is he so perfect. I'm really glad I have him in my #life now. ********* Jaime's p.o.v We got off the ride and I held hands with Rain. Austin and Kellin walked by mocking us. "Austin! Are you cheating on Alan?!" Rain said with a laugh. "Uh. No! I love my boyfriend." "Sure you do. I can't wait to tell him about this!" Rain took out her phone and took a picture before Austin could let go of Kellin's hand. "Rain. Give me your phone." "Nopee!" Austin started to run after her but she already bolted. God, I love her. Holy shit what. I just thought... Well I guess I really do. She's amazing and I know we've both been through alot. I'm such a lucky guy. Me and Kellin walked back to the room and saw Rain and Austin outside of the door. "Please delete the picture!" he begged. She started laughing really hard. That's another thing I love about her. She's always laughing. "Austin..." "Yes...?" "There never was a picture!" His mouth dropped and he put his hands on his face. She pat his back and gave him a hug. "Let's go get everyone and see where Ja-" she looked over. "Hey! Let's go get everyone to go to the restaraunt." she told me. We all went in and saw everyone passed out. The room smelled like whiskey and beer. Rain opened the balcony door to let out some air and then paused and looked at the sky; She mumbled "Nice weather for fireworks. Maybe soon?" then went back to cleaning up. Me, Austin and Kellin woke everyone up. They finally did and decided to take showers before we went out to eat. ******** Joslyn's p.o.v "How was it?" "EXTREEEMEEELEEE difficult. The ride lines were super long and to many little kids. Im glad today that one deal ends for the family package of 3 or more kids." Rain said with a sigh. "Amen or I might just have to punch them in the face." Emma said. We all laughed. Everyone took a shower then got dressed. I had to look nice for Tony. "Guys! I don't know what to wear!" I said. Emma and Rain looked at eachother and smiled. Emma went to go get one of my favorite dresses. It was black and had cherries on it . Rain grabbed me my black vans and star wars plugs. After I put it on, I actually really liked it. I heard a knock at the door and saw Tony. Behind him was Jaime and Mike. "Guysss. They're here." I yelled. "You look amazing." Tony said to me. I blushed. "Thanks. You look great to." "You ready?" "Yep, haha." and he took my hand and went down the hallway to the elevator. ********** Emma's p.o.v Everyone went down to the elevator and we all got in. We walked outside and there were carriges waiting for us. They carried six people and was lead by two big white horses. It was like if we were in a fairy tale. Me, Mike, Tony, Joslyn, Jaime and Rain rode in one. We mainly just talked about the food and stuff. I couldn't keep my eyes off of Mike. We were looking at eachother the hole ride. I'm glad I met Mike. He makes me really happy. The carrige stopped and we got off. ********* Hayden's p.o.v We all went inside. It was pretty fucking huge and cool as fuck inside. Rain was freaking out, as usual. We all got a table and ordered. The food came and it was great. Emma and Mike ended up sharing this huge dish. It's cute because they got it together...and love to eat. Tony stole some food from Joslyn and then flicked mashed potatos at him. Which caused a mini food fight. Everytime I looked over at Rain and Jaime they were laughing. Actually everyone was. We seemed like the happiest people on Earth. The waiter clinked a glass and the room came quiet. "We would like to announce that you are all invited to the Royal Ball tomorrow night. There will be a firework show at midnight. Please dress in formal attire. You can rent formal attire at the Kingdom Workshop located right by Cinderella's castle. It will start at 9 o'clock and end at 1o'clock in the morning. That is all." He announced. Everyone looked at eachother and smiled. "Late night shopping anyone?" Alan said. All you could hear in the room was laughter. We all agreed and went to go buy our outfits. ********** Rain's p.o.v We got dropped off at the shop. We walked in and saw there were two entry ways. They said: <-- Ladies | Gentlemen --> We split up. We walked in and it was filled with dresses, shoes and more shit you can't imagine. I hate dresses but fuck it, oh well. "Are you guys going to match with Mike and Tony?" They both nodded their heads. Then I got a text. •What color?! • It was Jaime. •Umm. Purple.. Or blue?o: • •Blue & Black?c: • •Yess.c: • "DIBS ON BLUE!" I yelled. Emma was doing red and Joslyn had purple. We finished shopping last because those losers couldn't make up their minds. We went back to our hotel and put our bags in the closet. We turned off the lights and I laid down on the couch. My last thought before passing out was ; Tomorrow, Emma, Joslyn, and I will be at the Royal Ball with our princes.