Translate   12 years ago

Style Of Vocabulary Making a day come to #life with no love, I say its possible. A number of letters given to send to hope and grief with no name of why. So how? Your lost in fame, alone in the game you play. Who is the controller? People laugh when feeling pain, trying to hide whats real inside. Lies cover truth, death overcomes #life. Period. Can a paperclip hold up a wet dog on a clothing line? In dreams you feel power, wake up to cold water hitting your face as you lay in the tub taking a shower. Thinking a perfect thought too much, your mind wonders into an abyss. Dark worlds cloud your brain and lose your faith. The house you live in becomes wonderland, no Alice, no rabbit or contraband. Color of style, a past of walls and cans, gloves and a mask, no lookout. Men beat a boy of color, for looking and winking at a woman. Men look and rape woman of different colors but walk free like freedom is power. You keep on seeking success but how long will that hour last? -Artis

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