For Zoe And Brooke Don't let sorrow fill those bright eyes, Don't let them cry like the rainy night skies. There are things to be happy about, things to make you smile. Eventually it'll all feel like it's worthwhile. You'll feel alone for a long time. No one understands, no one cares, you'll feel like no one has the time to spare. The day will come, when you feel this way. Until then, memorise these words. They'll help you remember that everything turns out ok. For a few days, the heavens will cry. The voice of an angel, saying goodbye. But when the heavens become bright once more, it's time to rejoice. Becoming the person you once were is always your choice. To be happy, be free, is a difficult task. To try and understand, is all I ask. Open yourself up and let people in. Don't bottle it inside you, please don't fake a grin. If you tell friends how you feel, they'll listen every time. Remember to smile, one day it'll be real.

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