Story Of Whiskey 4 Story of Whiskey 4 is a very late edition well it suits it I will skip a lot of years now because of how boring they are I will now go to a 12 year old Whiskey. Three years ago I got my second cat called Brambleclaw (I named him after the warrior cat) who is now 3 years old and the fattest thing you have ever seen. He has brown fur with black stripes along his body. from top to bottom he is very chilled all the time. But his story is for another set of blogs this is about whiskey. We had to keep them in separate rooms brambles in the kitchen and whiskey in the living room he would check under the door where she was there hissing and screeching as if he was an uninvited annoyance into her house. As #life go's on in this house they still don't get on I hope to catch up to todays times and give you daily check ups on her and any other news before it's too late. 

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