A Sigh Of Relief Everyone in this play script is posh(this story takes place in a comfy living room) ( and nanny is doing some knitting) Thelma walks into the room Thelma: OH GOSH I THINK IT'S BROKEN Nanny: oh miss Thelma what ever is the matter ,come sit yourself down and nanny will see to it Thelma: don't touch it don't touch it the pain the agony the embarrassment of it all Nanny:I'll get you a nice hot milk it'll calm your nerves Thelma: oh thank you nanny what ever would I do with out you Nanny: (aside) die of over work wouldn't surprise me Thelma: what was that nanny? Nanny: I said its a strange quirk of fate surprise me how you done it Thelma: well it's a dangerous thing sport and leisure even at the country club Nanny: I thought you only went there for the leisure didn't relies sport came into it Thelma: oh nanny you have no idea Nanny: so go on tell me how you did it this time Thelma: it's silly really I don't like to say Nanny: oh go on you can tell nanny Thelmah I can't Nanny: can Thelma: can't Nanny: will Thelma: well if you put it like that nanny.......I um.... slipped Nanny: SLIPED! Thelma: yes nanny......getting out of the jacuzzi....... Nanny: And that's how you broke it!!!!!!!!!!!! Thelma: (tearful) yes Nanny: best phone for Doctor Jones then Thelma: No No best phone Miss Pugh Nanny: Miss Pugh the manicurist? Thelma: Yes nanny I've broken a nail (nanny sighs)

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