Translate   12 years ago

Little Sister. I was never anything compared to her. She has friends. She's had boyfriends. She has people who care. She hurt herself, and almost lost her #life, And every one helped her. Every one told her how much they loved her, how much she means to them. How sad they would be if she was gone. But what makes it worse, is that I've gone thru the same. But they don't care. I know they know, it was shouted in there faces and they did nothing. They ignored it. And I'm use to it now, People not caring. But I can't help but be repulsed that they know, That they see the scars, the emptiness, the loneliness, the longing to be loved and cared about. But they do nothing. They have always cared about her. And ignored me. I was always just the little sister that got in the way.

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