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Confusion Chapter two:Talking with Teddy “Oh” breathed Albus as Rose and Lysander look at there feet. They all stand in silence for what seems like a #life time until Lorcan and Lysander’s mom, Luna, call them over to get there robes fitted. As Lysander was going to walk off Loran grabbed him by the arm “Don’t tell them” he spoke with venom in his voice, Lysander pulled his arm out of his grip and walked away. Lorcan followed. “Hey, you two, we're going to Nan and Granddad's for dinner, so hurry up” shout Hugo from the top of the street. At the burrow the entire Weasley and Potter family had gathered for their monthly family dinner. “Dinner will be ready in about half an hour so go out into the garden, get some fresh air” Molly told the children. In the garden the children decided to play a game of quidditch. As you might have guessed the Potter children where the best as both they parents being outstandingly good but today Albus couldn’t focus on the game no matter how hard he tried, he could only think of Lorcan, his pale blue eyes, his dark blond hair… how he smelt. Just thinking about him made shocks go up Albus’s spine. Albus was so distracted he slid of the end of his broom just hanging of the end “Bloody hell Al,” James said taking on his uncle’s trait “what up with you today?” “Nothing, leave me alone” Albus answered quickly looking over the hill to what used to be the lovegood house hold but since Luna got marred is now the Scamander house hold “Albus” Lily snapped “stop playing if you’re not going to pay attention” “Fine” Albus grunts flying down to the ground. Al jumps off his broom and went to sit on the grass. Why couldn’t he stop thinking about Lorcan? ”Hey stranger” a voice called behind him, he looked round to see Teddy standing behind him “Hi” Albus replied quite melancholy “What’s up?” Teddy replied sitting next to Albus “Can you keep a secret?” “Of cores I can” “You know Lorcan” “Luna’s kid” “Yeah, well when we where in Diagon ally today Rose and I started talking to Lorcan and Lysander, and Lorcan told us he was...gay” “Oh” breathed Teddy “So is that why you’ve been distracted today” “How do you know about that?” “Victoria told me” “Oh” “Is that all you’re distracted by today?” “Erm…No” Albus said looking to the ground “Than what else is there?” “I err can’t get Lorcan out of my head, thinking about him gives me butterflies in my stomach” Albus explained blushing “You don’t think you fancy Lorcan do you” “I don’t know” Al said letting his hair fall over his face in a bad attempt to hide his blushing cheeks “Don’t worry, I won’t tell any one” Teddy said nudging Albus in the arm “Thanks” Albus smiled The family sat around the table eating Molly’s amazing food it baffled Albus how his Nan made such food in an evening. Al had been fading in and out of the conversation but almost jumped out of his chair when he heard his aunty Hermione talking about Lorcan “Luna was telling me about Lorcan today saying he hadn’t left his room all holiday. I do hope he’s alright” “Hey, Al, Rose you were talking to Lysander and Lorcan today weren’t you?” Hugo asked. The whole room went silent as Rose and Albus looked at each other “erm he err looked alright to me” chocked Rose “Yeah he didn’t mention any thing” Albus said blushing. When the table started to sound like the great hall at Hogwarts again Albus looked up at Teddy who gives him a look only to say I’m not going to tell any one. Later that night, Albus woke up saying Lorcan’s name he was glad he’d woke him self up before he did his parents. Albus didn’t have a good night he couldn’t get back to sleep. Albus decided to get up early and go for a walk, so no one worried he left a note Just gone for a walk don’t worry Al x He laughed at the thought of Lily seeing the note and saying “well he defiantly isn’t Shakespeare”. Albus put his black jeans and green hoodie on. He couldn't help but stroke his black cat, Midnight, before he left. From a young age Albus had always been fascinated by the forested at the back of their house, he could wonder in there for hours. As Albus was wondering around the forest his mind started to wonder on to Lorcan his crooked smile, his pale blue eyes and that smell. Oh that smell it was intoxicating he could have thought about it for hours but his stomach decided other wise, he’d forgot to have breakfast before he left, so he decided to head back, oh his way back he had a sudden realisation HE COULD NEVER TELL LORCAN it would destroy there friendship.

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