Traducciones   12 años

another another hope. another never-ending story. another failure. another crossroad. I don't know, how all of this started. is this a jealousy? Or was it a possessive energy I felt when you said goodbye? I can only watch you, when you smiled and hurriedly walked out the room. I just needed to see your eyes then, to find even the tiniest spark. But there weren't any. Yours were just another straight look, a brief glance that said nothing. And I was left, with no one to understand how broken I felt. I tried to find any ways for me to get to you. But all seemed wrong. Another brief soft voice came over me. Was it an ephiphany? Or was it a call for help from my dear heart? It said, don't worry, this is not a farewell. I just wanted to believe it, maybe for the sake to be sane again. I smiled. when I saw on all those social network, somebody stated how happy their #life is, how happy they are now, how great their #lifes have been. I smiled. I sighed. Oh how the world just keeps turning, nonchalantly, even when all I ever want to do is to stand, unmoved, alone, to just be a spectator, not a participant. To just breathe and breathe.

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