Traducciones   12 años

The Ginger Bread Man Chapter one As the sun goes down over the ridges the fog lays heavy on the valley floor. Screams of sheer terror rip thought the valley.Scream again no one can hear you bitch. Blood coming out of her nose mouth and a deep cut on the top of her head. Please ill do anything you want screams Connie her blonde hair soaked with her own blood. I no you will you little bitch you are going to due everything I want. As he picks her up to her knees and sticks a rope around her neck. Sit there bitch. What do you want from me she screams tears rolling down her face quivering uncontrollably. Stop that damn crying and make your peace with god whore. Any little bitch that dresses like a whore needs to die a whores death. I'm not a whore I work in a bank she screamed. Same thing you take people's money don't you whore. Yes but only to due there banking. Shut the fuck up he yells as he hits her in the face with his right knee knocking the thin women to the ground blood starts pouring out of her left eyebrow. I bet you do drugs to don't you slut. Connie starts to move across the ground her hands bond tight behind her back her feet desperately digging into the soft wet ground her face getting mud all over it as she pushes her way towards a tree. Where do you think you are going the man laughs your not going to get away he yells with his raspy voice. Connie can smell the cigaret smoke from the mans cigaret that he tossed on her back. How does that feel bitch he laughs as the cigaret burns though her blouse and into her skin? She screams out in pain god help me someone help me please help me she screams!! God god help you no one is going to help you your going to die your going to die and no one is going to save you he laughs. As the big man starts to get up from the log he is sitting on she rolls to her back. Your going to die right now bitch he yells as he starts walking to the frail thin women. The frail women kicks up at the big man striking him in the balls. Aww you little cunt the man yells as he grabs his genitals. She kicks up again hitting him in the mouth and nose blood starts pouring out of the mans face. Aww you fucked up now cunt he screamed as he wiped the blood from his face with the back of his right hand. As she kicked at his balls again missing hitting the big mans knee cap. Fuck he yells as he falls backwards. As she is scrambling to get to her feet. Come on fuck face the frail thin women yells untie me make it a fair fight we will see who gets killed you pussy. Your a fighter I like that the big six foot three two hundred and ten pound man says as he jumps to his feet. Do you have any idea what your asking for bitch do you he yells? Yeah a fair fight pussy She screams hoping someone will hear her. There is only one way your getting untied and that's by the people who find your body if they find your body. You fucker untie me she screams. Shhh your going to lose the sexy little voice of yours he says as he puts a cigaret in his mouth and pulls his zippo out of the leather pouch on his side. Fuck you she screams as she charges the big man running at him lowering her shoulders like a running back in the NFL. As she charges the man sidesteps her and slaps her in the back of the head as she passes by his midsection. Landing face first into the logs the big man had been sitting on. Ok now it's time for you to die he tells her as he grabs her by the back of the head pulling her towards his chiseled body. Grabbing her by the front of her face from behind with one hand and placing the other around the back side of her head. With a quick spin her neck snaps with little force and her body falls limp to the ground. The big man looks at her #lifeless body in amazement. He walks to his bag that he had placed by the log he had been sitting on he pulls out a thing of baby wipes and camera. He wiped down her body then poses her body and takes pictures of her #lifeless body as she lays on the damp cold ground. Then he heads out of the woods on the path that he walked in on sweeping the drag marks away with a big pine limb. As he reaches the edge of the parking lot he looks around to see if anyone has pulled in. Not seeing any other cars he heads for his 2011 Mack Truck loaded down with goods headed for NYC. Better get on my way he thinks to himself as he pulls the rig out on the road. Connie's phone ringing scares the big man he jumps and looks at the passenger seat. What the hell he says as he picks it up it says home on it. Home should I answer it he thought to himself? Hello his raspy voice says in to the phone. Hello her son say who is this? Hell man you called me he laughed. No I called my mom the boy stated. Well boy your whore mother is dead he tells the boy and throws the phone out the window. That boy should be thankful that I killed that cunt she couldn't have been a good mother look at how she dressed she looked like a whore not a mother. As he threw her purse out the window see you in the news cunt. Not a care in the world the man kept driving his rig toward I76 the PA turnpike headed for NYC. The boy called 911. 911 what is your emergence? My moms been killed the boy screamed. Who killed your mom? I don't know I called her to see where she was and this man answered her phone and told me he killed her the boy cried. What is your name son. James,James Johnson the boy cried. How old are you James? 13 he said as he sobbed into the phone. Where's your father James? He's over seas in the Army. Can you tell me your moms name? Connie, Connie Johnson. What your moms number as she puts the boy on speaker phone for her supervisor to hear? 555-678-9909 help my mom! I'm trying James. As she dialed Connie's number on the other phone 555-678-9909 the phone rang then hi this is Connie leave a message. Run a trace on this number. James hold on sweetie I'm tracing your moms phone number right now. Ok the boy cries. 1346 1346. 1346 go ahead. 1346 a call came in from a young boy said he called his moms phone and a unknown man answered stating he had just killed her. The trace said her location was on route 119 mile marker 3.5. 1346 on my way. James the state police are on there way to your mom ok. Tell them to hurry! They are James what's your address James. 1412 Connolly street greensburg pa. Ok James an officer is on his way stay on the phone with me till they get there. Ok the boy cries. 1346 to base. Go 1346. I haven't found anything. Keep looking 1346. Roger. The officer walks the side of the road looking for Connie when he sees the phone against the guard rail. 1346 to base. Go ahead 1346. I found a cell phone it seems to be in working order. Hold on 1346 ill call the number the son gave me. The phone rang. This is officer Steel. This is her phone officer Steel. Roger that I need back up. Back up is on the way. As the police look for Connie Johnson her killer is trucking down the road feeling good about the events that went on to nite. This is what I am meant to do kill these bitches that lose there faith and dress like whores wanting men to look at them like a peace of meat. Wanting all the wrong attention then looking at the men like dogs. Dirty whores like to look the part then they like to play the part. Thinking back to when he was a young boy his father would never let his mother dress this way. He saw her come home from them super market one time with makeup and a sundress on and he beat the whore right out of her. Where were you he demanded. At the market picking up things we needed why. Don't talk to me like that cunt he said as he ripped her dress off. What the hell is wrong with you. You go out of this house dressed like that he screamed as he was taking his belt off. His wife watching him in fear. Please please no I wasn't trying to look like a whore I wanted to look nice for you when you got home she cried as he began to beat her. You bitch going out looking like that wanting other men to look at your body wanting you to do things with them he yelled as he beat her body all over with his belt. Leaving bright red welts all over her body. As she laid on the floor crying and pleading with him to stop the beating. Mark get down here he yelled to his son. Look at that whore that's what she gets for going out looking like whore that's why she's getting the whore beat out of her do you understand? No the boy cried looking at his mother on the floor. What do you mean no look at that whore he screamed as he walked over and kicked her in the face breaking her nose and jaw. Stop the boy cried. Stop you little fucker you don't tell me what to do as he started beating the boy with the belt leaving red welts all over his back and face. Now you two can look alike and make some fucking dinner. His old man was mean but fair don't talk back and never dress like a whore. Officer Steel to base. Go a head officer Steel. We found a purse with an ID of a Connie Johnson. Roger. We need a K-9 unit. There is one on the way. Roger ETA. 3 minutes. Roger that. When the K-9 unit arrived the officers were looking along the road. Steel says if you were going to kill someone would you do it out here in the open no you would want to be off the road. There's a dirt road up the road a ways about ten miles goes back to the game lands. Lets check it out Steel tells the K-9 unit to follow him. As they pull in to the road they can see a parking lot used by hunters lets look up that trail up there he stated pointing to a path that's mowed for hunters to enter the game lands. Roger that officer Anderson says as he gets his dog out officer Levi a highly trained police dog. Used to find drugs guns and bodies as well as protect his fellow officers. As the officers walk behind Levi she stops putting her head down then sits down looking forward someone has gone this way officer Anderson says looking to a path to the right of the main trail. Go ahead girl he says as the dog stands up and heads towards the path. Officer Steel radioes the headquarters of there location. Standing by for conformation headquarters says. Look Steel, Anderson says as he points to the body of Connie Johnson. All units we found a body white female in her late 30's blonde hair send the coroner. Look at her face this poor lady went though hell. Yeah she did. Lets get this investigation going so we can catch this sick fuck says Steel. As they wait for the forensic team to get there. Stopping his truck just outside of the New Jersey line Mark Jessie looks into his mirror to see if he still had any blood on his face when he saw his next victim walking around the gas station to his right looking for a ride up to the big apple a small slender women and a skinny man holding a sing New York or bust. New York or bust he laughed. Mark got changed quickly didn't want them seeing his clothes covered in Connie Johnson's blood. Just as he comes out of his sleeper he sees the two getting into a car you just got lucky he yelled as they drove off. As the state police are waiting for there team they see a vehicle coming up the dirt road. Who is this they said. It's a news van WTAE 4 news it on the side shit how did they find us back in here Steel? I don't know but this is news. Lets talk to them before they get out as they take off towards the news van. Hello officers we hear there is a body of a female in these woods? Well that's right but we need you to move your van back out to the main road so we can do our investigation once we are done someone will put out a press release. Ok officers no problem. Any idea who it is yet? Please just go back out to the main road and as soon as we know something we will let you know. As the team pulls into the dirt road they see the news vans setting up shit they beat us here how do they always get here first? Chapter two Following the team in is FBI Agent James J Gibson a Rookie field agent on his first murder case. Pulling in he sees the officers standing at the edge of the path with there flash lights out shining the path that they had found the body on. Hello i am Agent Gibson FBI who found this lady? We did the two officers stepped forward looking at Gibson. And your names are Gibson asked as he pulled out his note book? Officers Sgt Steel and Sgt Anderson and K-9 officer Levi. Ok I will need a copy of your reports. Ok glad to help out.Very good he said as he walked around the body looking for clues. As the techs set up light plants for the agents to see. Are you aware of the other killings that happened back in March in Kentucky Gibson asked the officers? Not really we heard about them but that was it. Well my partner who is out recovering from a bike accident worked those cases I have seen some of the photos and looked at all the files it looks like the same sick individual but this time it looks like he took his time. The others were not cleaned as well and not posed like she is. How do you know she is posed? Well Sgt Steel look at her blood soaked hair. Yes I see it. Yes but around her face its clean of blood and pushed to the side for the photos he probably took. Or maybe Gibson he did it for us to make it look like she was asleep. No I don't think so if that was the case he would have done this in the parking lot not back in these woods. The pile of baby wipes looks the same as well placed beside the body showing us he cleaned her up. I have to get back and go though the other case files to check before I go into this looking for any thing that's that's tells me this is the same man. How many we're killed in Kentucky Gibson? Four in the three weeks all were ladies who dressed nice and had jobs they assumed the killer new them since there cars were always at the work places and no one ever saw anything or heard anyone screaming for help. But I think I know why now as he moves her hair away from her neck reviling two small burns right under her right ear. He used a stun gun of some kind. Get lots of pictures of that Doc check this out Gibson says to Dr. Becky Thomas. What do you have Gibson? Very nice you found that before in other victims? Not sure if they did or not I don't think so. Bet that's why nobody heard anything they were out of it from the stun gun. Get it wrapped up here I'm going to talk to the press bring everything back to the office we are going to remake this crime scene and make molds of all the tracks even all of ours and then take photos of everyone shoes to match them to the tire tracks as well. You got Gibson says the techs as they walk around shooting pictures. Heading out to the press vans Gibson sees a big boot print in the mud looks like a cowboy boot don't it Steel? Yes yes it does being an add vide hunter Steel knows you don't wear cowboy boots hunting as he places a marker beside the print there's a print out here he yells! A tech comes to photo the print right away. Good eye men the tech says as she photos the print and tapes it off looks like we got a big boy here. Why is that? The boot print is of a size 13 maybe 14 won't know for sure till I cast it. Get me a good casting Gibson says as he walks on towards the crowd of news vans and lights. Look there coming says one reporter as she pulls on her camera mans arm. As Gibson stands there looking at the bright lights the cameras focus in. I am Agent Gibson of the FBI I will give you a statement. This evening a lady was found murdered here in these woods as soon as we know anything else we will let you know the victim is a unidentified white female in her late 30s that is all the information we have right now. Please don't ask for anything else until we can find out some more facts. Anyone with any information please call 1888-555-1212 thank you that's all I have at this time and turns and walks back to his car. You handled that very well Gibson Sgt Steel said. Thanks i was nerves as hell the man said as he got in his car. Later Gibson. See you soon Steel he told him as he starts his car. Yep see you soon Gibson. As he pulled away from the parking lot he was thinking about the last case in smith land Kentucky how that girl was beaten and the way she was tied match perfectly she was found by the river bank propped up against a tree looking out over the water. Could this be the same killer could this be the same one that killed three in Kentucky, two in the desserts of Vegas. I better contact Randy and tell him what's going on out here. He picks up his phone and hits Randy Wise's number. Hello. Hey bud how you feeling? It's 40 am Jimmy what's wrong? I got a case that looks like the same guy you been after. What when? Today in Pennsylvania a lady found murdered in the woods same knots used in your case and a big cowboy boot track found and baby wipes next to her. I'll be there in six hours. Randy bring all the files on him we need to make sure it's him. I have them all on my laptop I'm on my way. Click. A long hard night just turned into a long hard week he thought as he laid his phone down on the seat. Randy rushes to get his bags packed and car loaded up but it's slow going with a cast from you toes to hip from the bike accident he was in last month this sucks he said dragging his bags on the floor. As Mark gets his truck backed into the dock at his drop off he sees his next load sitting by an old car in the lot. Nice get this load off and then hook and book that's what I like about these's loads not to much down time. Headed back to Wheeling West Virginia. Yeah baby he says as he backs under his next load. When a man yells out. You talking to me? Mark looks at the man and says with his raspy voice do I look like a fucking fag to you fuck face? You better watch the mouth of yours you big ugly fuck. Mark pulls his air break lock and shuts his truck off. What you want some of this fag the tall black man yells. Mark opens his drivers door and steps out I want all of it you tall skinny nigger. What o hell no you white cracker mother fucker the man screams you calling me a nigger I'll bust a cap in your ass cowboy. Bring it nigger Mark says as he walks towards the man at a very fast pace. Woo man the black man says as he gets closer to him I was just playing man shit. I wasn't Mark says as he hits the man with all his might. The man falls to the ground knocked out cold. Mark bends down and grabs the man by his shirt picking his limp torso up off the ground hitting him one more time then slams the man back to the ground fucking nigger. And turns back to his truck I should ran his black ass over but to many cameras in this shit hole city. Time to turn and burn he thinks to himself as he picks up the jacks. Agent Gibson. Yes Shi. Your on the news Chanel 4. Thank you Shi he said as he flips the tv on in his office. Chapter three Breaking news. Hi everyone I'm Sally Shields tonight a women is murdered in greensburg our own Michelle Deans is live on the scene. Michelle. Yes Sally I'm here tonight as the body of a women was found out here off of rout 119 in the state game lands. We did talk to the FBI Agent who is in charge of this case here's what he had to say. I am Agent Gibson of the FBI I will give you a statement. This evening a lady was found murdered here in these woods as soon as we know anything else we will let you know the victim is a unidentified white female in her late 30s that is all the information we have right now. Please don't ask for anything else until we can find out some more facts. Anyone with any information please call 1888-555-1212 thank you that's all I have at this time. Wow thanks Michelle troubling news in our area hopefully the catch the person responds able. Sally here comes the body of the lady as we speak the camera men zooms in on the ambulance as it pulls out onto the main road. We will keep you updated Sally as more information comes available. Ok thanks Michelle. As he turns off the tv. Shi comes back into his office sir you looked good on there. Thanks Shi he says as he goes back to looking a pictures of the forth girl killed in Madison Kentucky. Yep the same pose the same kind of knot the same burn marks but hers is on her skull in the back right at the base where the neck and skull meet. He goes for a cup of coffee when his phone rings. Hello. Agent Gibson this is Dr. Thomas. Yes Doc I have something I want you to see. Ok Doc I'll be right down. He hangs up the phone as he starts going to the elevator. What do you have doc? Look at these burns they are at the base of the skull. Yep just like the girls in Kentucky doc. It's the same man we got ourselves a serial killer doc. That's just great my first murder case and its this one. Don't worry Agent Gibson you guys will catch him see stated seeming very confidant. I better inform the captain he says as he walks out. As Mark pulls his truck onto I 81 south heading for route 76 west bound the Pennsylvania turnpike he turns on his radio to see if he made the news yet. As the talk show host goes on about the economy he thinks back to the first person he ever killed his father. He was fourteen at the time his mother had gone to bingo and his father was working the nite shift he was drinking his fathers whiskey and refilling it with water so he wouldn't be able to tell he had drank some. Just as he put the bottle back his father came home. Mark went to his room as soon as he heard his father pulling in. As his father walked in the house he saw the note his wife had left for him dinner is in the oven I am at bingo with your sister love you. Fucking bitch out spending my money like its water. Mark what the hell are you doing up there his father asked when heard bang bang bang? Lifting dad. Lifting for what you can lift all the weights you want to it don't make you any more of a man you pussy his father yelled. Pussy he thought as he did another set of bench presses he will see the man in me the next time he goes to beating on me. I'm home he heard his mother yell as she walked though the door. It's about time I've been here for a half an hour where is my fucking dinner bitch. I left you a note saying it was in the oven didn't you see it. Yes I fucking seen it I worked all afternoon do you think I want to come home and make my own plate on dinner? As he yelled the young frail women pulled his dinner out of the oven here is your dinner father. It's about time he said as he slapped the lady in the back of the head. Mark would you like some pie? Yeah I'll be right down mom as he put his weights down. As the big boy came down from his room all sweaty. He could hear his father do you really think that big pussy is getting pie before I do? Father be nice to him he's your son. Son that I am still not sure of he chuckled as he ate his dinner. What his mother said as she cut the pie? You heard me bitch you were out fucking every dick that stood in front of you when I was over in nam. We where not together then and I was a virgin till I met you when I was fourteen. When you were a kinder person. What kinder? I buy your food I buy your clothes I pay your bills cunt and what do I get? I get a whore who likes to fucking talk shit as his face turned red from the rage building inside of him. Did you have fun mom Mark asked as he stepped into the kitchen? Yes baby I did. Yeah this bitch had fun going out with my hard earned money his father yelled as he threw his dinner plate against the was beside her head. As the women flinched his father screamed what the fuck bitch why are you flinching if I wanted to hit you I would have. O yes dear I know all to well about that she said as she picked up the mess he had just made. Really cunt he said as he jumped up from the table grabbing her hair and slamming her head into the wall. Mark jumped up and ran towards his mother. Hit me old man I can take it better than she can hell better than you can give. Really pussy boy the father said as he backhanded the boy in the face not even turning his head. If that's the best you got old man you better sit down he told his father. You overgrown fucking bastard I'm going to beat you like you have never been beat before his father yelled. No sir you are not hitting me ever again. What his father said as he slapped the boy in the face as hard as he could. The boys head turned and swelled instantly. Is that the best you got he asked his father. Stop it just stop it his mother screamed you can beat me don't hit my baby the only man she ever loved was her son. Your baby your baby looks like a big pussy to me her husband yelled then pushed her across the room slamming her into...

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