Traducciones   12 años

Am I Crying Why am I feeling low happy faces all around me Is it they can't see The dark and silence inside of me . I've been mulling on things My own soul ill save Coz all the help I get Will send me rattling Into my grave Am I crying The want in my mind Has been there for all time At the foot of this mountain Oh it's so high so hard to climb All the people I know Won't be long before they see Ill let my barriers go I know they crumble when they ask me Am I crying Why don't dreams last forever Reaching out makes them only slip away Today I found at my cost All the the things I have lost Stillness of the morning I feel the warmth of the sunlight on my face Today I'm going to stand tall rise above it all Something stirs, makes a sound And we all fall down .. Through the dark of the night And the dark of the day Gonna find myself a corner and there ill stay Is the #life I live real All these feelings inside How can I start to heal When even I don't know why Am I crying Xx

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