Translate   12 years ago

Blog Entry #2 - About Me. Hey everyone! I have this feeling my second post should be about me. A brief introduction to who I am, and to give you an idea whether you'll like me or not. Well, let's start then! I'm Vollcano! Currently, I live in Ireland. Attend college here and currently preparing for my Leaving Cert. I'm not Irish however. I came to Ireland when I was eleven - I think - and, I'll be honest. I hated it here at first. I had no friends, couldn't understand what was going on around me. But things changed and I love it here (well, the weather is still annoying at times xD). I live in Mullingar, have some great friends and #life is generally going great for me. I love music! Anything with a powerful and rhythmic beat will do, but I mostly listen to metal and dubstep, but anything that catches my ear will be listened to. My favourite band is definitely Linkin Park.p Now, my movie taste... Hmm, I like anything as long as it has a great story. I like it when it's complicated or has many twists! Today, for example, I saw Paranormal Activity 4 and, having watched the previous three, I've to say this one is the best one so far. Plus, I love the story, even though its complicated and sometimes doesn't make sense. (This was supposed to be a "brief introduction" lol) Right, got a bit carried away there. Brief Vollcano, remember what that means? Generally, I'm a lazy but honest person. Always try to help out people, however, if you get on the wrong side of me. I'll be a cunt to you. Basically. I think that's pretty much me. Thanks for reading, (if you made it here that is.)

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