übersetzen   12 Jahre

Luck It's strange somedays, how luck seems to play its part. Sometimes we could say that we have good luck and sometimes the bad. Do the times of bad luck come from good luck wasted and missed opportunities to help others? Does karma exist or is it a case of shit happens and good days and bad days? It almost sounds crazy, and could well be from a general good mood, but I had one of those rare good days, which has so far rolled into two! I travel for a living. I don't have a job that means I drive, or fly, or do anything to control my destination personally, but, I am in continuous transit of some kind. I guess we're all in transit in some way, shape, or form, but I, over the last few months have spent many hours above the clouds and many days at sea ad plenty of hours in trains and various automobiles. I think the only form of transport taken this year, is that if the two wheeled variety, or that of the four legged persuasion, which the main four legged being horses and anyone having seen the second instalment of the Sherlock Holmes movies, will perhaps remember his statement about horses, being something along the lines of "they are dangerous at both ends, and unpredictable in the middle!"....Anyway, back to my main point of luck and also, for my own memory for when I read this later, lucky numbers for me....maybe! So, does good luck and bad luck exist or do we make our own depending on our mindset? I can openly say I've had a bloody lucky couple of days. It all started with making rice crispie cakes. Yes, that does sound both odd and complete bollocks, but its true. I had rather an unfortunate cooked/split batch of chocolate while melting it before adding the rice crispies, which anyone that has ballsed up melting chocolate before will know is incredibly annoying......anyway, after making two trips on foot to the nearest shop which happens to be just about a mile from my house, I did think I was having a major bad luck session, as these were being made as a contribution to a wedding buffet, but that is not important and again, I'm bloody waffling! So, 2 walks, 4 miles, 5 bars of chocolate (in total), 30 seconds in the microwave (much against my better judgement and dislike if microwave cooking) and around 50 crispie cakes later, things had turned out ok. So knowing I had not let anyone down in the end, I awoke the next morning with a fresh faced view on things and decided to take the last few hours before travel as they came. I won't hot into the next numbers in much detail, as if they do happen to be lucky numbers ad worth putting in the lottery, then I should not be sharing them! Or perhaps I should? While waiting for my girlfriend, who I might add, has to put up with this babbling shit in person, I went about my day in the wonderfully small city with which our rural county has been blessed. Upon my first shop visit, I had decided to purchase some travel items, for which I was given some free, which is always most welcome! The next, I would go to a themed barber, when at the end of having my pitifully thinning hair cuts and my ears lowered from my ever receding hairlines I went to present the barber with money, I did not have to pay. The next would be the purchase of a rather nice tweed jacket with corduroy shoulder patches, which was half of its original price. Next I would go to my favourite pub, where I was given a sample being about a 1/4 of a pint of a new beer to see if I like it. Then, when ordering pizza for a final dinner before going, there was also a saving on that! I know a lot of that is related to money and within those purchases, others were thought of and gifts were bought too, but after all of that babbling waffle of nonsense, was all of that because I went to the effort of trying my best to make sure that a small item such as crispie cakes were made as nice as possible for a wedding and that karma exists, or is it just good days bad days and no such thing as luck or lucky numbers could really play a part? I don't think there's an answer, but I may look at the numbers and buy a lotto ticket when I get home.....if I don't win, I'll tell you the numbers! Hahaha!

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