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RED Chapter 1 I hear the sirens.. my ears scream in pain I could feel the blood drop down my face. I close my eyes so tight I feel them burn, when I open my eyes I see two men in uniform standing above me I wimpier in pain. One of them drops to my level and pick me up and starts to carry me to the loud sounds, I try to lift my arms up to cover my ears but my arms feel like noddles. I wimpier again the police pulls me up higher to his chest " shhh its ok... It's ok were almost there" he says I look over at one of the ambulances I see them carry two body bags in ambulance and right when I saw that I blacked out. I opened my eyes and see two blurry figures standing over me "hey honey" the woman say "how are you feeling?" she asks I grunt and open my mouth to say something but it comes out as a cough. She hands me a full class of water the doctor smiles and say something to the nurse then they both left... I sigh. I was in a dark room the curtains were closed but the window was open I could feel the cool breeze. I look around more but all I could see was darkness all around me. All of a sudden a pain as brutal as a nuclear boom exploded from my side causing me to cry out in pain. The more I screamed the more it hurt but after awhile of screaming and crying nurses burst threw the room door. They start say things but I only caught a few of the words "give..her more..medicine!" I try to tell that it hurst so bad but it ends up as a wimpier. "Don't worry honey we'll make it better" one of the nurses said. She was talking to me as if I was a child but her words made me feel better so I just nodded. After awhile the awful pain was gone, and the nurses left except one stayed.I was so thirsty as if reading my mind the nurse asked if I whated a glass of water. I sighed knowing that I was not going to get food anytime soon so I smiled and nodded. She brought me a glass half filled with water, I greedily drank it all realizing how thirsty I was. I smiled up at her and asked the question I've been waiting to ask " are my parents ok?" her face goes shadowy and she sighs " Melody... You should get some more rest" I look at her for a long time and then say angryly" I have been resting for a long time" said through clenched teeth " now tell where my parents are" she stares at me for awhile and then says in a low voice I will be back. I narrow my eyes and say " fine" she walks out of the room. I lay there for awhile and then I hear silent voices, I slowly get out of the bed then move close to the door. " She whats to know about her parents... What should I say?" the nurse I was talking asks a doctor and what looked like another woman. "She still doesn't remember?" says the woman, " ya." The woman looks at the doctor and then the nurse then sighs " poor thing... She's alone in the world." I gasp and then before I could stop my self I ran out of the room and walked straight up to the small group, shouting " WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT... WHERE ARE MY PARENTS!?" They all look at me in surprise. The doctor looks at me in this sad way, I whated to punch him in the face! Finally he say in a low voice " your parents are gone they... they died at the seine". Do you know the feeling when your parents say that your pet, the one that you had since you where a baby died... the pain the hurt....well that is what I was feeling right now except this was worse. I just stared at them in disbelieve, no thats not right I say in my head then I say it loader " NO! NO! NO! Your lying" Even though I knew that he wasn't. I felt torn apart... tears ran down my cheek I started to sod the the sods grew into whaling and then screams! The woman rapped her hands around me... trying to comfort me. I grip her tight, getting her work uniform wet with tears. How could this be...? Chapter 2 •A few a months later• ~The New Kid~ "OMGOSH! If it isn't the girl who murdered her parents!!" the voice came hard into my ears but it wasn't the voice that made me look up, the voice comes all the time but the words are what seems to really get me like little daggers digging into my skin. I closes my eyes then open them back up meeting the bright green gaze of Hillary Royally, she gave me this look of disgust I sighed and said in a low voice " well if it isn't the little wannabe". She narrowed her eyes and said " what did you just say!?" I gave her this look that said well-if-your-so-smart-you-firgar-it-out. Hillary was one of those girls that when they know your secret (bad secret) well use it to her advantage. Hillary is pretty I mean really she is she has hazel green eyes and nice full lips a good body (not fat) well so the guys think and she is fully matured (well in the body department not mind). She is my opposite unlike her I have plain gray eyes and slightly thin lips and I have one of those bodies thats aren't to fat but aren't skinny either and in the middle, she has dirty blond hair I have midnight black. She stares at me and then says "we have a new kid today--" I look at her hard wondering why she is telling me this " so don't act like you aka STUPID!" I sigh again and she smiles as if she just achieved a personal goal. " O my gosh my mom is so uncool!" Hillary says to her friends like two feet way from me. I roll my eyes and say "well the apple doesn't fall far from the tree." Hillary turns around and was just about to say some thing when the door opened and Mrs. Finch comes in and say " class take a seat I have someone I what you to meet" Hillary gives me this glare and takes her set in the front right of the class. Mrs. Finch smiles and says " class I'd like you to meet Red Conrad" everyone but me turns to the door as it opens and when I look up at Hillary to glare at her one more time she was staring at the the door jaw dropped and when I looked I had to gasp. Chapter 3 ~Red Conrad~ The only thing anyone could do was stare, his eyes bright blue, midnight black hair, pale skin, dark eye brows, and long lush eyelashes. His black shirt griped his strong chest and his dark jeans handing lose on his hips. He looks around the room at us and the stops right at me, my eyes grow wider as he begins to smile....at me....was he smiling at me? I look around me and behind me but nope I even tilt my head to one side but me followed my eyes any way I turned. Finally Mrs. Finch says " um...class say hello" for awhile no one said anything then of course Hilary say in a high pitch voice " hi my name is Hilary but you can call me Hil for short!" It must have brought everyone back because people started to say hey, hi and so on. Mrs. Finch drank most of her water then said to him "please tell us about yourself" he smile at her then began to talk "I was born in California but I grew up in the city of France" his voice was like warm water washing over my skin " we move a lot because of my fathers job soo here I am" Hilary sigh and said with a sly smile " here you are and here am I" I rolled my eyes when I set them back on him he was already staring at me, I swallow the lump that was now in my throat and look away. "well Mr. Conrad will you please sit by Miss.

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