Translate   12 years ago

Song- My Code [Chorus] My code, I thought was when my heart became frozen and cold and when I showed no, emo-tion in all my songs. My very soul, the way I decide to roll, all under the context of my code, this is my code yo... Not a very nice guy, that was my recent past Blinded by with blind-side, yet still I repeat rash decisions, a collision of both good karma & bad fissions, open up that crater, and there is no fixing the scar in my heart, that beats to beat a hater, one-seventy tempo no way near to an open mouthing-gator which burps, slurps and blurts to the gossip of every stater that makes a statement so good, without making a mistake, while convincing us we should not ruin (roon) society, and protect that old wood, just because a lazy little haters, thought, would not compromise, and they were most popular, so it's like "Just get in line." The very fact you think you can understand what goes on inside of my very mind, and then demand that we should get just cause you know i'm a guy, and that i cried, so you interpret it as not being strong the choir probably would suit my little songs You're not worthy, you're irritating and so many other things maybe I should say that I only, ever can remember being lonely, nobody I have met has shown ideals for those who're, Stuck moaning, without food, Working hard, wid-no shoes Not even turned 14, still-got school, So call me, but I really don't want to tell you over the phone that your phoney, apologies for the irony, so please just deal with that feeling the ceiling can only take so much strain from bad dealings but if you force me , I'll pick up the pace n just blast straight through it, you're stupid & charismatic you're a pat-in-the-back addict, I follow a single playlist and obviously you don't understand a word when I play it backwards This is my history, villainy, bullying and darn crazy miseries, to you it's just a mystery but to me it speaks: identity; my code, the idea's that make me whole, the symbolic symbols that make me the person forced to grow [Chorus] So i take you to hell yo, beat you down, string kicks til you on the floor, how's it feel now when you don't got power anymore. It's people like you that made me you y'know, think that pushing me to the brink o' a cliff will send me over, well you should be pretty close to dumb to know that the survival instinct will surface whenever I'm in danger (dane-jo) poser, I see now that it pains you to think you broke me only to make me stronger But I realise now, that I never lost the sound, of a code Which I will follow, never wallow only one more #life to swallow, down the mouth of death's lil ' hollow, till then I'll write until the world helps all those who I will help by following... My code, no longa' will that electro-node be thrown into haywire without a sense of flow, keeping to the calm before the storm but now direction, my new conception of #life, fills the crater that would usually be decided by the dice, eat rice, chicken, fish and there I go again with indecisive thinking, bringing randomness into simplicity, I could probably shame that Abe's Lincoln, but Restart: Back to square 1. Very first rule to my code, fight the rights of everyone I love. Anything necessary, nothing else comes above, this is priority, and prior to it there was just Imbecility, ashamed to the core I am from what I did to me, see the real lead for once and maybe, the differences I work to create, and do believe, can come to fruition, the new pages to my previous #life diction, follow up lubri-stick-tion on the border and clear da friction, section after section without another chance of reflection to the pages choice of affection. Actually, this is my new code & testamental redemption [Chorus]

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