Translate   12 years ago

To Love A Vampire The cold wind blew as I stepped out into the street The warmth of my home slowly drifting away like a distant memory Where am I heading you may wonder work ,shop,school run ? No you see what I haven't already told you is that it is 3 am & I am heading out for food -liquid food well you mortals probably call it blood I head down towards the abandoned house at the end of a long unoccupied street others like me scurry towards me delight quickly extinguished from there eyes when they realise I am one of them At this time of day we are all just nameless creatures on the same mission - to feed I head out further than the rest more picky with my feast I climb up a drainpipe with a beautiful finesse & through an open window I slide Quickly & quietly I pounce on my feast & suck the delightful blood Fulfilled & satisfied I slink out of the window aware that this room will soon be a crime scene A horrid find for the unfortunate friend or relative maybe partner of my victim I wake up again this time 8 am the sun beaming through the blinds I brush my teeth & wash away the blood from my early hour feast , and quickly dress I once again head out the door only this time to work where my unsuspecting colleges will work quietly beside me The quiet in my office is very soon interrupted by a load squeal , a group of work friends are gathered In the back room where a tv is playing 'Look' exclaims one of them - a young handsome man I'd neglected to notice before - tall dark haired & dark eyes ' another break in during the night , blood taken again ugh it's grotesque' Hmm I'd already made the news 'what'd ya think beck?' I suddenly realise there talking to me ! 'Oh yeah terrible 'I say trying hard to sound like them After the 6pm walk home i slink into my home & put pen to paper to continue this candid 'tell all' you see after tonight's pleasurable feast I will end my #life , let me continue I had a normal upbringing great even lovely parents great sister & never wanted for anything Had a few boyfriends growing up nothing serious that is until that one day I had stood in the local record shop & seen 'him' wow dark brown hair beautiful green eyes Dressed immaculately He finished paying for his cd & brushed past me took my breath away ! Anyway being young & naive I followed him clumsily out the shop not knowing what I'd say if he dared notice me ! He didn't of course so I begun my walk home fantasising of the sexy man who'd graced my eyes when all of a sudden a car pulls beside me Hi I noticed you in the shop said 'wow' man 'find what y'all wanted?' I stared down at the pavement wondering what to say 'Umm sure' came my response 'wanna lift home?' He asks And so it begun meeting him often in his sleek Mercedes Benz , the envy of all my school friends at this older good looking boyfriend - dean Only one day we'd had a row when he'd turnt up once again looking tired I'd assumed from maybe a night out drinking , worse I stared up at his enviable apartment by the river & his once tangible excuse that he was between moving & didn't want me to see his possessions sprawled everywhere now seemed laughable Only at the time I'd been more than happy to be whisked away to restaurants in his car A middle aged woman carrying a brown paper bag heading out the apartment door interrupts my thought & I seize the opportunity to enter the block I know his number from a little detective work I wonder up the clean inviting staircase to his door & hastily knock Almost immediately he answers looking like his seen a two headed animal 'Becky I told you , he's voice trails off as I push past him half wanting him to stop me in fear of what his eagerness to stop me coming here may be His apartment is what I expected I take in a lot considering my mind is whirring The perfectly painted walls the sumptuous leather sofa & expensive looking dining wear - no where however Is the mess I'd little expected for his pending move I head toward the bedroom door and continue ignoring his pleas I open the door & suddenly a semi naked woman seems most alluring What I'm met with however is a blood soaked scene like a horror movie ! A silent scream escapes my mouth as I feel his hands - the hands that usually excite me - grip my shoulders I turn and look him straight in his eyes 'look I've tried telling you' what ! I interrupt your a murderer ! 'No you've got it wrong please sit down 5 minutes that's all I ask Knowing this scenario can never be answered by anyone but him i give in like a wounded animal 'there's no easy way of telling you this so ill get straight to it he says ' I will die without human blood I must drink -eat it every day I am in every sense a vampire Words fail me as I erupt into laughter both nervous & entertained No seriously he continues I will explain every little detail if you wish but then you must walk away & promise never to tell a soul And so I sit & listen to every little detail as though I'm being read a twilight novel By the end I'm no more convinced which is why I decide I must follow him on his next feast I wake up on his leather sofa & open my eyes as he dresses in front of the blowing curtains his muscular body makes me yearn for him until I remember why we're up at this wicked hour I sit up & nervously wait his command 'come' he says & I obey The street is eerily empty & cold he grabs me in close & I get a sudden waft of his expensive aftershave & my knees weaken I needn't worry the sudden display if affection is a mere glimpse of protectiveness I understand this as a young attractive girl leaps towards me suddenly showing a fine set of chiseled teeth 'psst' he scares her away & suddenly my weak knees are like jelly & I feel a million miles away from home That night I watched my true love feed from an unsuspecting sleeping woman And I know what your thinking I got home locked my doors& never see him again Not quite , that night as we. Made love & fell asleep in his four coaster bed I realised that I was actually turned on - I felt more attracted to my man having seen him take this innocent woman's #life with his mouth He was an animal alright! And so I asked him to feast from me - make me immortal At first of Course he wouldn't but eventually gave in I lye there looking up at his silhouette in the near darkness when suddenly his aftershave chocked me & his hands wonder over my chest Suddenly his teeth clamp tightly over my neck & he lets out a sweet sound as I feel warm blood trickle down onto my arms & breasts My body starts to shake & he lyes beside me looks into my eyes & we fall asleep together The first time I had to feed was horrible but my overwhelming sense of hunger overtook my human kind He came with me at first now I often like I told you In the beginning go it alone We are still together however even he doesn't know my plan to end my #life The silver knife tucked away under our bed with a script from a book about 'how to end an immortals #life' You see I do feel guilt & after so many feasts I have decided i can no longer go out into the cold dark nights & eating my victims. As you finish reading this ill probably be gone if my attempt has worked which I hope it does Please don't be scared at night it'll probably never be you Beck

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