Translate   12 years ago

Ch. 7: Katy And Charles I'd been nudging Charles all through lunch. He would look, and smile. Then Lilly would ask me something, that I wasn't paying attention to."Katy, so are you excited about the Halloween Dance Thing? I mean performing in front of the school is beast." She batted her eyelashes, and took a big bite of salad." I'm ecstatic. I really don't know what to wear, though. I looked to Madison, who was to busy looking at Tyler having a burping contest with his football posse. I thought, then stabbed a carrots, inspected it, then nibbled on it."Maybe I'll go as a witch, but that's just lame." Lilly eyed all of us, then slammed her hands on the table...loudly. It made Daniel knock over his Pepsi, Chloe snap out of her little world of watching Matthew, and it made me drop my carrot." Shopping, Saturday. We all need a costume..and a weekend off. She looked at everyone's faces, but especially at me." Awesome. Let's do it." Daniel said happily, which made me laugh. Lilly shook her brown goddess hair at him." I mean just us girls. You guys go to Walmart, and get yours, okay?" Madison fixed her shirt, and replied, " Well I'm in. I need a kick-butt costume to win the prize money anyways. She gave a smirk at Chloe, and Chloe retaliated." So do I, I need shoes...and a knife. I've already got my costume already, it's a beautiful red velvet dress that just barely sweeps the was my mothers." She sipped at her tea, and refocused on her Mat-Mat, while we all still were staring at her still. I shook my hair around, like Lilly did..but she did it 10x more gorgeous." I'll go too, even though I can't buy anything. Chorus must dress in their touring shirts." Charles rolled his eyes, knowing he wanted me to dress up. But I couldn't help it." Wait, if we're going to have to wear our T-Shirts, why'd you ask what I was wearing?" Madison asked curiously. " Because we're aloud to choose our pant, so...I'm excited." I said sarcastically. It sort of made me mad that Taylor makes us perform old songs that no one likes anyways. We need a twist, a new start. Something relevant, and fresh, young. A smile spread on my face. I had a huge idea. I stood up to throw my plate away, I needed to get to my journal pronto." Wait!" Lilly cried. " Are you coming or not?" The smile came back, and I said, " I'll be there. MG! C'mon, I have something to discuss with you. Madison stood up without a doubt, and we both rushed to our locker hall.

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