Movie In My Position -love thriller adventure story/film -scene 1 street (Aaron and Emily kissing) (camera zooms out) (shows title four days before) (shows title 80am) (Alarm buzzes) (Aaron groans and hits the snooze button) (Aaron get dressed from his pjs and gets breakfast) (Phone rings) Aaron: hey mom Phone noises: blah blah Aaron: yeah sure pick up some stuff from the store later what do you need? Phone noises: blah blah Aaron: ok ok bye (Aaron hangs up phone and grunts ) Scene two ark (Aaron walks to swings puts bags down and sits on it) (looks at phone then pretends to text) (Emily walks by) (Aaron runs to her with the bags) Aaron: what's a fine lady like you doing around here alone, shouldn't there be a string of guys trailing behind you for your picture or something (smirks) Emily: haha very funny douchebag! Aaron: you do realise douche is French for shower so teqnecially you just called me a shower bag that the best you got huh? Emily: leave me alone freak, shouldn't you be locked up in your rooms doing mutilating tests on frogs! (Emily storms ahead) Aaron: Emily,Emily we're all friends here, no need to fight (Aaron grabs shoulder and pulls her back ) Emily : get away from me! Aaron: don't fight it! (Emily pushes him away hard! And runs away) Scene 3 - Aaron's street ( Emily lives in the same street) (Aaron spots Emily walking home across the road and runs over to her) Aaron: so babe, when's this first date I forgot to ask details after you said yes! (winks) Emily: what date?! Aaron: well if we're date-(Emily interrupts) Emily : get this into your sick twisted mind, there's nothing between us and there never will be NEVER Plus your starting to creep me out! ( Emily storms off again) Aaron say to self : if I can't have her no-one can! Because Emily should be mine! Scene 4 - school yard. Emily: I can't stand the sight of him he's such a freak and a dork and I hate him!, he's just won't stop talking to me or stalking me.... It's unbearable (sighs) Chloe (best friend of Emily): Tell me about it!, he stalked my cousin for like two years and then one day she got so mad she went crazy! I mean literally she threw knives at almost everyone she saw even strangers because all she cold imagine was his face. Then she just snapped. Left a note and know one ever saw her again... Francesca: (sarcastically): maybe you'll be next! Sarah and Megan : ooooooooooooooo waiving hands) ( they all laugh) (Aaron walks by slowly staring at Emily you can feel the cold chill in the air, she just looks at him in disgust) Scene 5 - Aaron's room (Aaron humming freaky tune) Aaron: you'll be mine soon Emily!,then you won't think I'm a freak will you! ( holds up picture of Emily) Aaron: soon, my beloved soon! ( holds knife to wrist and slowly draws a tiny drop of loos on to the picture) Aaron: we'll be as close as blood brother! Scene 6 -M-17 directors room Agent double 607: so sir? What the assignment this time? Director: ( hands over folder with Aaron's picture on front) he's a problem, he has 'special' abilities that he's not capable of handling.. He'll use them to his advantage. Agent: so what? We have to stop him from saving the world or is there to many people appointed to that job ( sarcastically) Director: you don't get it agent, this isn't another super hero movie where the man with the amazing powers swoops in and saves the day! He has mental problems.. He was a project we were working on 15 years ago. We genetically mutated him to have these abilities so we could use them to OUR advantage. But like any other child, we had to give him a family.. Unfortunately he had to learn to fend for himself to discovers his powers, he was ever to know until he discovered them for himself , but the mission went wrong, he was left with an alcoholic father which we caused him to get the m.o.e. gene where makes him probe to violence because of a abuse during his development stages! So you in?we need you to stop him from causing any damage! Agent: yes ! But one more thing, maybe you should create a project that doesn't go wrong so you don't have to call me in to clean up your cholateral damage? Director: I don't like you attitude agent! Agent: and I don't like your company! ( agent walks) -scene 7 streets (Ashley walks around corner pretending to bump into Aaron) Aaron:watch where your going dumb ass Ashley:I'm sorry Aaron:yeah and I'm sorry for this punch Ashley:wha...(Aaron punches John in the chin,john goes to punch back 2 seconds late Aaron grabs his arm and twists it) (screen blanks out) Chloe:did you hear about what aaron did i think it's just creepy Sarah: no what did he do Meganh my god I know what he did he killed someone near our school Francescah my god you better stay away from him for defo EmilyEmily walks down the alley way Aaron grabs her mouth to stop her from screaming Emily faints) (screen blanks out) (Emily Wakes up In a garage with photos and drawings of her) Aaron:so do you like it I like this drawing the most it brings out your inner beauty Emily:mm...mmmphhhh..mmmm Aaron:trying to say something(pulls tape off mouth) Emily:you rapist let me go LET ME GO! Aaronk,if we ever go out with each other(stroking Emily's hair) Emily:get off get off me Aaron:don't be scared you should be enjoying it and your gonna enjoy this (shows Aaron walking up to the camera as Emily screams) (screen blanks out) (shows girls dancing around in Megan's room whilst listening to music then Francesca's phone rings) Francescane second guys,turn down the music Chloek?,ok! Francesca:hello mrs Johnson where's Emily today Mrs Johnson:well that's what I was calling about um,she didn't come home last night I was wondering if she went anywhere before Francescah my god(Francesca hangs up) Chloe:who was that Francesca:Emily's gone missing Meganh Chloe:my Megan and Chloe:GOD! -scene 8 garage (shows Emily tied up ripped shirt and hair wrecked up) Emilylease,please just let me gcry's) Aaronstrokes hair)it's okay you can stay here and never go home(laughs) Emilyshrugs shoulders)eh get off me you pervert you know what go get a #life no one ever likes you and I never will just let me go I promise I won't tell anyone anything Aaron:why do that when we can have more fun (box almost falls,off cupboard Aaron runs and catches it before it falls) Emily:huh,how did you do that Aaron:do what Emily:you were staring at me then the box fell and you catched it before it fell when you had no idea what happened Aaron:uh? Forget it I'm going out to buy some snacks Then we get some more fun(stroke leg) (Aaron walks out Emilytries to untie herself then gets one arm out) (pulls phone out of pocket texts Francesca)(shows phone saying help me I'm near the old abandoned wear house) Francescah my god she's just messaged me Megan:what does it say Francesca:it says help I'm near? The,old abounded wear house Chloe:come on let's go save her -scene 9 garage (Aaron walks in sees Emily on her phone she looks at Aaron,Aaron drops the bags and grabs the phone) Aaron:right who do did you call or text what did you do Emily:nothing I swear Aaronshouts)TELL ME THE TRUTH! Emily:no! (Aaron grabs her arm) Emily:get off me! Aaron:every time you lie to me I squeeze harder Emilyk I did Aarongrabs leg and strokes it then rips shirt) (shows Francesca Chloe and Megan running) Francesca:where are we going Megan:let's go around the back Chloek (shows Aaron and Emily Aaron rips the other part of the shirt Francesca Megan and Chloe run in) (Aaron throws a dart at the wall) Francesca:STOP!!! Megan:wow how did he do that ? Chloe:forget that for now get him (drake runs In) (everybody stops and looks at drake) Drake:RUN AND TAKE THE GIRL!!! (Aaron unties Emily from the chair and pulls her with her hands tied behind her back points gun at them walking slowly around them) Drake:ill stop these girls (Aaron pulls Emily outside and runs off with her as she screams) Ashley:let the girl go and drop the weapon Aaron:what the hell I thought I killed you Ashley:I wanna help you your not normal you have abilities Aaronrove It Ashley:fine lets settle this like men let the girl go first (Aaron throws Emily down onto the floor tied up) (Ashley runs up to kick Aaron,Aaron ducks and grabs her leg twists her around and throws her onto the ground Ashley gets back up punches Aaron in the chin Aaron falls down and kicks Ashley in the shin then twists her ankle by grabbing Ashley leg and twists it) Emily:someone HELP! (Ashley limps but gets back up Aaron puts a gun to Ashley head then behind him Francesca does the same) Aaron:you shoot I shoot it's a win,win I don't care if I die Emily was wright no ones ever liked me I'm gonna be alone forever so If I'm going down your going down with me (Aaron ducks Francesca shoots Ashley in the face by accident Ashley falls down on her back Aaron kicks Francesca in the leg whilst kneeling down) (Aaron and drake grab Emily and run - scene 10 (Aaron and drake stop running) Aaron:I think we should let the girl go? Drake:isn't this moment you've been waiting for all your #life Aaron well I met her in high school so....(drake interrupts) Drake:what's with you and all the smart crap Aaron:no wonder you still live with your fatass mother of yours Drake:take it back or I'll.....(Aaron interrupts) Aaronr you'll what (drake pulls a gun out of his pocket) Draker I'll shoot your little girlfriends face off Aaron:Emily I only kidnapped you because you were always making fun of me in year 7 all the way though out the high school year.i just wanted to stop but then I met drake he changed me he forced me to do all of this so please DRAKE let her go please (Emily trips up drake) (Aaron unites her she runs off) Drake:see what you did there we had her and anything that's it your dead (drake gets up and shoots the gun the camera zooms in ion the bullet as it goes across the screen Aaron catches it then falls down squeezing his hand as blood drips more and more blood) Drake:what the? Huh? How? But You?..what? did you catch a bullet You know what forget it your coming with me and I'll teach you lesson and I'll get that girl back (aaron falls into a deep sleep) -scene 11 garage (Aaron wakes up) Aaron:what the how did I get back here(looks behind him sees emily tied behind him) Aaron:Emily......,Emily.....EMILY!!! Emily:huh? What the happened Drake:yeah what did happen Aaron come on tell us Aaron:drake let us go Drake:no!,oh yeah Emily your mother called asking where you were I pretended you went to a boot camp called space ca...(Emily interrupts) Emily:rots Aaron:what the....?!? Emily:I was in primary school I wasn't that popular I was nerdy Drake:SHUT UP,SHUT UP!!!!!!!!! Both of you Yeah what ever you dumbasses stop your little rom-com going on Aaron:Emily I just wanted you to know I don't like you because of your looks I like about what's in the inside just if we ever escape please give me a chance I promise I'll change Emily:I like you a....(drake shoots Emily with a tranquilliser gun) (screen blanks out) (Emily is tied up in a chair) (near the front of the abounded wear house) Emily:what do you actually want from me Drake:you for trade Emily:trade for what Drake:guns knifes weed what else do you think -scene 12 abounded wear house Aaron:come on where could they be..i could always try escaping(unites himself) (runs out of the door) (Aaron runs and sees Emily and drake Aaron runs up to drake) Aaron:let...her...GO!! Drake:unless you have weed get the hell out of here Aaron:here take it(throws the fake weed not the real one) Drake:here take this girl of yours (drake pushes Emily into Aaron's arms) Aaron:come on let's go before he notices Emily:notices what Aaron that,that's not the real weed (Emily and aaron run off camera) Aaron:if we make it alive. don't judge me about so far about what's happen if we could restart I would change everything (Aaron gets shot in the leg Aaron goes outrageous and grabs a pipe from the wall,throws at drake) Aaron:I told you to leave me alone at the start Emily:what's wrong I thought you changed Aaron:I have issues,but this has reached its limit. (Aaron walks up to drake as drake shoots him but nothing happens) Drake:what the? Aaron:let's see how you like it(pulls the gun out of drakes hand then shoots him 3times then Aaron faints and drake falls on him,Aaron wakes up and pushes the body off him)what the?..what happened Emily:you went insane.and killed drake Aaronlooks at drake)oh my god there is something insane with me(looks up at the sky with. Deep mysterious look in his eye) -scene 13 beach (Emily and Aaron sit down on a ledge) Emily:what I was trying to say in the ware house(they hold hands)I do like you it's just I was jealous when you were going out with a girl but then I found out you dumped her I stopped Aaron:now that's what I call a true love story (Aaron and Emily start kissing) Narrator:don't worry this is not the end of the story (Aaron and emily walk off into the sunset whilst holding hands) Emily:we need to find out what's wrong with you lets go to a doctor or a scientist ( Ashley runs up to Aaron and Emily) Aaron:what the I thought You were killed for the second time Francesca.shot your face into a million pieces AshleyAaron Emily,and Ashley running whilst talking)no time to answer questions but I can tell you I'm a un-defeat-able and you want answers you'll have To go on a deep adventure through the forest of tranpesia Emilysilent) Aaron:well.....WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR LET'S GO?!!!! -scene 14 forest Ashley:come on this way(walks through jungle bumps into tree)oh? I'm fine(coconut falls from tree Ashley falls on the floor Aaron runs up to her) Aaron:ashley,Ashley come on we need you or we're gonna be stuck here for ever Emily:come on let's go get some help for him Aaron:which way Emily:uh? Left(Aaron walks left)NO!(Aaron stops)Right(Aaron walks right)or maybe left(aaron walks straight ahead)ok will go this way(Emily follows) -camera zooms into forest Emily:so we're in the middle of no where with no food except from coconuts for drinks darn why do you have to be cute(holds hands with Aaron) Aaron:it's ok my #life depends on you,(whispers to himself)yeah depends on me saving myself(Emily hits him on the shoulder)I'm joking(they both hug)wait a minute what's that (trees rustle branch falls off come on it looks there's a cabin over There -scene 15 cabin (Aaron and emily run into cabin) Cabin manager:how may I help you Aaron+Emily:we need help,huh stop copying me your copying me urgh!?! Aaron:sorry about that I was saying were in trouble were lost and we need help so does our friend Cabin manager:so where is this friend of yours Aaron:uh oh we left him behind I knew it was a bad idea to go on some quest to find out about my stupid,stupid abilities(cabin manager looks surprised) Emily:look at those huge doors(pointing out window) Aaron:look there's the mountain Cabin manager:sorry but that part of the forest is exhibited no one is aloud their unless you have a reason Emilylooks at the keys)(whispers to Aaron the keys are on the desk if you distract him I'll swipe them off the desk and unlock the doors (Aaron jumps over the table throws a book at the cabin manager) Cabin manager:is that all you got,I know you are Aaron Aaron:yeah and I know your uh? A man Cabin manager:seriously (Aaron grabs the cabins managers shirt,throws cabin manager over the table knocking the keys onto the floor) Emily:idiot Aaron:just hurry up (cabin manager grabs Emily pulls knife out of pocket and puts it near Emily's neck) Emily:Aaron help!!! Aaron:nah I'll just stand here(says sarcastically) Emily:just HELP ME!!! Aaron:uh(throws another book) Emily:are you kidding me Aaron:I panicked Cabin managergoes to slice Emily's neck) Aaronne-more move and I'll rip your eyeball sockets out and feed them to seagulls peace by peace(eyes go red) (Aaron slowly walks around the table,the cabin manager gets scared and throws the knife into Aaron's stomach but Aaron doesn't react he still walks towards the cabin manager the cabin manager freaks out and throws Emily towards him

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