Translate   12 years ago

My I terribly want to sleep. I'm tired, I feel weak. I do not want to wait for the weekend, because I need quite a bit. Give me at least one week relax, fight off fatigue. and see, I take a breath and feel joy again. the first day of the leaves will assume that fell out of my tree Second - playing the fool and drink tea with a delicious jam. third day will all dance yet I still will not tell his feet, and the fourth will read about people on an empty road. fifth day I decide to sleep and wake up at about eight. the sixth day, I will yell, how I love autumn. seventh day, I leave you, You can imagine what to do with it only ask, promise me you'll stay for dinner. I'll make you a delicious soup bake cake with raspberries, Only do not be rude to me, I will not be silent with you. only darkness falls over the city, I sleep and when I see a picture: I dream of you and those eyes again staring back. I probably go crazy If all this does not stop. it's not my destiny - footsteps behind you eked out. I wake up and see the light - the sun through the window knocking. entire week came to an end and my soul again seeks all work, work, work, and of course the best achieved. be someone a little more necessary, in someone's great love lost.

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