Translate   12 years ago

Adventures In Rainy Running As a person of a seriously non-athletic persuasion, one week into my running challenge (to be running 5k by the time I turn 3 today was a big struggle. Last week was quite pleasant, but today was a miserable mess. It has rained all day, and a run by the river seemed incredibly unappealing. I reasoned if I don't do it today I'm really never gonna get to grips with this running thing, as I live in England, and rain is obvo par for the course. So I did it anyway, I was very unhappy about it. An unexpected bonus was that there was no one about to see my big beetroot face... no little chavs lurking around park benches... joy. I think I might sign up for a 5k run/race type thing that's a couple of weeks after my birthday...give me something to aim for. I am doing a half marathon night walk the week after that, but I'm quite confident with my walking tbh... running... I can't really do more than a few minutes without keeling over... let's hope I can change that in the coming weeks! On a side note... really loving my Couch to 5k running app... if I'm gonna get there, it's with this. I am a slave to my iPhone!! I ate a whole Easter egg when I got back. I think that somehow defeated the purpose of the exercise. Silly girl. I'd have eaten a butt load of chocolate today anyway. A run in the rain makes me feel a little a bit less like a total pie at the very least!

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