Traducciones   12 años

The Last Train Stop I saw you first on a train Jumped on last second Sat down in the seat behind My eyes were beckoned You caught it every day Always in utter haste My heart would flutter with butterflies Train time was never waste But once you say next to me Asked if the seat was to spare I couldn't even talk My mind was utterly bare The train rumbled on You read your book We kept stealing glances Needing one last look The train carried on We talked, once or twice Occasional smiles were shared Your book choice was nice But the the train screeched Flung people to the floor Blood and crying I looked at you once more Holding hands and crying The light was only a speck Knowing we would die soon Surrounded by wreck You said how you had watched me Took the train only to look A tear slipped as I kissed you My last breath; took Note- The idea is not mine. No copyright intended. It was a story on another website and I poetized.

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