Translate   12 years ago

Hello world. I'm writing this for the same reasons everyone else is I guess, to be heard. I don't have great, wise words that will change the world but I have a head full of opinions and thoughts and no other medium to communicate them through. Right now it's my favourite time of day, so late it's on the cusp of being early, the whole world silent. My thoughts fill the air and I like to imagine them as whispers of hope, nostalgia and peace floating in the air. I think perhaps that's why I have the courage to start this, not that I'm arrogant enough to think people will flock to read this. What are you supposed to write on your first entry? I should probably say a little bit about myself. My name is Dalia and I'm a 19 year old student, I love to read and I hate to argue. I've found the latter attribute to be slightly unique, most people I meet live to argue, love the feeling of championing a point of view. I don't see the appeal, everyone is entitled to their thoughts no point in trying to change them. If you've managed to read this far then kudos. Feel free to give me feedback but be gentle I'm a newbie. Stay sharp. Dalia.

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