Translate   12 years ago

My #life Alex has been my crush for like ... Ages. He knows me more than i do. Hes sweet really Peter his best friend he jnows i like alex and worse i kissed him him in a dare. I cant get that image out of my head and he acted like he wanted it Uzhhh we swapped seats in class today. My subsitute sucks its all my ellie this and my ellie that I just about held my screams of boringly pain in Secondrey school next year (hallelujah ) maybe a mixed class hopfully no more comments on how hot this guy looks or how this one does cause if they wanna keep it a secret theyll have to shut up about them Please comment id like that very much!! :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: You've all wrote positive things about my #poems and blogs im also glad that you like them. Thank you very much and please keep commenting please it makes me tingle inside when i read them

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