Translate   12 years ago

Slice of Bread Once upon a time... a slice of bread dropped from the breakfast table, just by accident. But her friends the Fat Butter, Sticky Jam, Nutty Peanut Butter, The Smiling Cheese and not to forget the Scrambled Eggs, where not aware of this dramatic fact. They discovered this loss only after the table had cleaned up and sitting together in the kitchen cabinet. Very concerned they started searching for her, shouting her name, posting notes, calling the office for lost bread, that sort of actions, and that for days, but no success. And because of that they became very sad, giving up hope they would see the slice of bread ever again. Even The Smiling Cheese looked very sad. Until one day Old Newspaper appeared on the breakfast table, wrinkly and torned. Escaped from the trash can and gasping for breath and said “Read me! I can’t read myself, but perhaps there is something written in me.” Fat Butter, the smartest, could decipher a faint message that was just visible; “slice .f br.a. hit”. “At least a sign, it looks like it’s her. But what does it mean?” the Old Newspaper said. And because of that they organised a meeting in the kitchen cabinet. The Fat Butter, Sticky Jam, Nutty Peanut Butter, The Smiling Cheese, the Old Newspaper and not to forget the Scrambled Eggs, discussed about a plan how to get more information about the slice of bread. Then suddenly the Old Newspaper, said “The morning paper! We must read it and check the morning paper every day! Fat Butter can read it to us!” The Smiling Cheese smiled again, that is a good idea he let the others know. And so from that moment Fat Butter, read aloud the morning paper’s headlines to his friends every morning. Until finally on one morning, Fat Butter excitingly said “I think here is something written about our friend.” And of course the others shouted “Read more, read more!” Fat Butter continued, “Slice-B hits the charts again!” And so Sticky Jam, Nutty Peanut Butter, The Smiling Cheese, the Old Newspaper and not to forget the Scrambled Eggs heard the whole story in the morning paper about the amazing journey the slice of bread had made. About a mouse who had kidnapped her just after falling from the table on the kitchen floor. And about the bird that stole the slice of bread from the mouse, but dropped the slice of bread out of it’s beak because of some turbulation in the air. The slice of bread tumbled down in the gutter of the street and started crying and calling for help from her friends. And when it was night, slice of bread began to sing herself asleep. That got the attention of a DJ passing the street on his way to the local radio station. By hearing a tear breaking sad but beautiful song somewhere in the street he started to look where the sound came from. Happily the DJ found the slice of bread quickly and took care of her. The DJ recognized the vocal talent in slice of bread and gave an artist’s name to her and slice of bread was named, Slice-B, and every night Slice-B opened the DJ’s night show on the radio with tear breaking sad but beautiful songs. The songs where very popular by the listeners and the slice of bread became very famous. And ever since that day, happy of knowing the full story of slice of bread, the Fat Butter, Sticky Jam, Nutty Peanut Butter, The Smiling Cheese, the Old Newspaper and not to forget the Scrambled Eggs, proudly listened to the radio, to their friend, the famous Slice-B. Ursus Minor, september 2012

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