Translate   12 years ago

Fire Of Spirits Part 2 Margot was the first to go And now I will tell you how..... "you can't like do this to us granny!" screamed Margot.."I don't care Margot and plus I'm not your granny your mother paid me to hurt you!!!! You call me misses gretalls I call you children or girl or boy or stupid!" "no you like call me Margot! And I call you ugly!!" smirked Margot, Losing her temper the old lady threw her down the basement stairs, and was rewarded with horrifying screams! "get to bed kids!NOW!" At twelve o'clock Toby was still awake,Lucia passed out with Fear! Toby heard the old lady go down the basement stairs He heard screams and went to investigate! He dived out of the way just in time as the old lady came out with a knife he fled back to his room.... What will happen next...?

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