What Is True Love. First of all writing something like this is completely out of character, this is for two reasons. 1. I'm a stereotypical male who never shows his feelings to his friends. 2. I have never written anything remotley like this in my #life! But what is love? The answer to this can be as varied as the person that your asking! but these are my views. Firstly I now believe there are many types of love, love for a parent, the love of a child, the love of your partner or the love of an inanimate object. First of all the strongest love anyone has.....the love of your child, the person from the moment they are born, the moment you set eyes on them becomes the single most important person in your #life. This love, like all love is complicated at first glance, however if you look at it closely it's very very straight forward. This is the person you will protect with your #life with no questions asked, this is the person that you are responsible for bringing in to the world, the person for that nothing is too much trouble or too much effort, however this is a love that you take for granted, everybody does, be careful because this is the easiest love to lose and the hardest loss to accept. To be continued.........

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