Translate   12 years ago

Chapter 1 (Part of chapter 1, i need someone to tell if its good anoth to continue) Chapter One: How can I, how can I run faster? My legs are aching; my heart is pumping ready to explode. He’s catching up an arm’s reach from me. He’s on me, on my back pinning me to the ground. I can taste mud, my heads sinking into the ground, I’m trying to scream but my mouths blocked with mud. He turns me over all I see is his red eyes and the scar that reaches from his top left eyebrow down to his left cheek. He raises his hand and places it over my face, all I can see is him and some creature behind him through his fingers. I wake up sweating and panting. I get up from bed and check the time on my watch and it is just after one in the morning. I walk over to the bathroom and wash my face from all the sweat. Before I step back into my room in turn round and go to my sister’s room and peek through the door, Sarah is fast asleep in her bed with all her teddies. I now go over to my mam and dads room and see them asleep. When I reach my room, I have the sense that someone is watching me, like my nightmare has not gone. I step over to my bedroom window and see nothing but the murky winter night. I look all around and then see something in the corner of my eye; it has a quick shine from the#moonlight. I can barely make it out but from the shape I think it’s a van parked outside my house. It must be for my neighbour, she’s always on about her new boyfriend and his amazing job, which she never tells us what his job is. I slide back into bed the sheets are colder than before, I must have been out of bed for a good half an hour or more. I doze off, and luckily I don’t have a dream this time. I feel a sharp pain in my neck and I wake suddenly. I open my eyes and see a figure next to my bed, the curtains lets through a small ray of light which shows the left side of the face; I can make out the scar from the man in my nightmares. Hoping this isn’t real, I jump out of bed but I collapse. My legs won’t budge, like their dead to the world. This is when I know this is not a nightmare this is real. I look up to the face without any fear of what could happen. I see his hand reach for me, I’ve seen this day coming from the day I pushed Breed across the classroom. The day I pushed Breed was the day I knew I was different, by different I mean I don’t do the ordinary stuff most humans do, I’m like a character off a superhero movie but I class myself as the villain. I was always bullied for just about anything at school by Breed and what he called his posse. One day I just about had anoth of it but I don’t know what come over me, I got up and pushed him off his seat. He got up and starts to shout and swear at me, I soon realized what I did and just said sorry and turned round and walked away. “Come back freak,” I just shake it off. “We all know you’re a mutton, come back, mutton,” that was it, it came back that thing I couldn’t control, I turn round and run for him. He soon realized what was coming for him. He goes flying across the room, when I thought he would stop my push was so hard it sent him to the far wall. We all hear a crack. I thought it couldn’t be I haven’t broken his back. From then Breed has been in a wheelchair ever since, no-one has ever spoke or came near me much even I find it hard to make a convocation with the family. I look up to the eyes, they’re not red but they reflect black, black as you can ever find. I move before his hand reaches me, he grabs my arm I try to pull away but he is to strong. He gets down on his knees and lifts me onto is shoulders, my body doesn’t fight back to be free, it’s like it’s been waiting for this day for a long time. he carries me through the door, the first thing I see is my dad, sitting against the wall but there is something wrong, he isn’t moving no twitch or any sign of movement. I’m carried down the stairs and I see the door was not forced open but like someone has let him, I then see my mam sitting like my dad no movement at all. Then Sarah comes to my mind, I try to pull myself from the figure but I don’t move at all, he eventually he just drops me on the ground from is shoulder. I hit the ground with full force and land on my right arm. I try to drag myself away from him with my left arm but he grabs my legs and drags me out the house. “Sarah!” I shout and there’s no response. I pull myself up and grab his hand which is so icy cold my hand lets go as if it was touching something scolding hot. He drops my legs outside the black van I seen earlier, he opens the back doors, finally my legs wake up and I get up on my hands and feet like a cat hissing. I sprint down the street at full speed I’ve never got to reach before suddenly I’m stuck, frozen in a positing which I can’t get out of. He walks over with his hand held in the air. “And who would believe? Mammy, daddy or maybe Sarah.” puts his hand down and I slam to the ground. “Where is she?” I say in a grinding voice I’ve never heard myself speak like ever before. I put my hand over my mouth checking as if it was me who said that. He ignores me and picks me up by the scruff of my collar on my t-shirt and makes me walk now to the van but he still has a hold of me. When we get to the van, he still has a hold of me, he opens the back doors. He pushes me in, he steps in and slams the doors behind him.

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