Tradurre   12 anni fa

Kendally (7)Ally ~Ally's POV~ The first thing I realized when I woke up the next morning was that I was in big trouble. I had gotten a one-week restriction, of course, but remembering what I had said about my dad’s girlfriend probably got me in even more trouble. You know, the comment about her “skimpy clothing”. I lifted my head up from my tear-soaked pillow, and squinted at the brightness of the light shining through my window and into my room. For the next week, this would be my hideout. I threw the covers off of me and immediately walked over to the window. This action was something I did every day since winter started, because each time I came to the window, I hoped that I would see snow on the ground. Even if it was a thin layer…I wanted it. But, living in LA for your whole #life had its disadvantages. Sure, it wasn’t sunny all the time, but we got more than our fair share of rainy/cloudy days. Still, as long as I had lived here, I had never seen real snow, believe it or not. As soon as I had observed the ground for longer than necessary, I let out a deep sigh and grabbed my brush to smooth out the fly-away hairs that I had received during the long night. After I had finished, I changed out of my PJ’s and into something more presentable, I walked out into the kitchen and realized that Dad wasn’t up, yet. I wasn’t surprised; to him, it was only 90. He was so lazy that he was in his stupid bed until noon, usually. He was probably in his room with his new girlfriend, no doubt. Sighing again, I poured myself a bowl of cheerios and walked silently back to my house. If I stayed in the kitchen to eat, my dad might happen to come out with Angie, his girlfriend, and I would probably lose my appetite. Right as I was re-entering my room, I saw my phone vibrating wildly, and I rushed toward it to answer it before the caller would hang up. “Hello?” I asked quickly. “Hey, Ally,” I heard Levi’s deep voice exclaim over the phone, and I felt myself smile when I heard his voice. “Levi,” I greeted softly. “Hey. I’m just calling to see what you’d like to do, today,” he began, and I sighed frustratedly. “I’m sorry, Levi…I can’t. I showed up thirty minutes past my curfew last night, and I got it big time.” Levi groaned. “Awh, really? How did he get you this time?” I grimaced at his words. It wasn’t uncommon for me to be in trouble like this, but it still was uncomfortable to think about. “I have a one-week restriction,” I replied. “And right now, talking to you over the phone is against the rules.” I could picture Levi frowning. “One week? That isn’t quite as bad as I feared…but still, not good. You won’t be able to do anything the first week of school!” “I know. But next Sunday, I’ll be off of restriction, and then we can hang out. We just have to hope that time will pass by quickly.” “And we have school during the week, don’t forget,” Levi added, and I smiled slightly. My head flipped around, looking at the door, where I thought I had heard movement in the other room. “Sorry, I think I’d better go. I don’t wanna increase the restriction length.” I heard Levi sigh on the other line. “Sure. So, I’ll pick you up for school, tomorrow? I’ll be waiting at your driveway.” I thought about that. “You know what? School isn’t that far down the road…I’ll just leave early so that I can get out of the house sooner. The walk will do me good.” “Alright. I guess I’ll see you by our lockers, then. I sighed before responding. “Ok. I’ll see you, Levi.” I frowned as I hung up. Today, I had no idea what to do. My father had taken away my phone, TV, and other privileges. But then, I realized, I hadn’t played my keyboard in the longest time. I used to be pretty good…but I had somehow stopped playing. Probably because I had gotten much busier this year… I lifted a few things off of my keyboard, which had been on its stand this whole time. I had apparently been using it as a place for my school books and such. I plugged its cord in and switched it on. For some reason, I was almost surprised that it was still working, though I wasn’t quite positive why. I had written many piano pieces in the past, but my best were definitely the ones I had composed most recently. Like I had practiced so many times before, I began to play one of my latest songs, entitled “Signs”. I was so astonished with the fact that I remembered every little note, without any sheet music in front of me. I closed my eyes gently as I finished my song and let it ring through my ears. I had forgotten how much I sincerely enjoyed playing, and with that came the feeling of regret, for not realizing this sooner. So, I sat there on my cushioned keyboard bench, playing all of my old songs. I had even found the sheet music to some songs I enjoyed but hadn’t written, such as I’m Yours by Jason Mraz, Next 2 You by Chris Brown and Justin Bieber, and When I look At You by Miley Cyrus. But, in the middle of my practicing, I was startled by loud knocking on my door. “Angie and I are going out,” my father’s gruff, annoyed voice yelled, louder than necessary. “I’ll be back later. Stay out of trouble.” I sighed and turned off my keyboard. It was time for a break, I decided. I went over to my window and stared out at the cloudy sky. Just one snowfall, my thoughts pleaded, and I sat back on my bed to think of something else to do.

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